Monday, June 9, 2008

A Laughable Moment

My kids and I saw a very unusual sight the other day as we pulled into the dentist’s parking lot. Sitting in the driver’s seat of a parked pickup truck was a large golden retriever, looking as if he were ready to zoom off on some great adventure. It was so out of the ordinary, yet he looked so natural behind the wheel as if he had sat there a million times. I tried to take a picture with my cell phone, but by the time I got into the camera mode, the owner had walked up and was preparing to drive away. The kids and I did have a good laugh about it, though.

Sometimes life gives us unexpected situations. The ones that make us laugh, of course, are the best. There is something about a good laugh that can turn our whole day around. Bad moods and crummy attitudes disappear, dull days become more joyful, and tears magically fade away.

Enjoy those unexpected moments of laughter. They are a gift from the Lord that brings fun and refreshment.

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