Thursday, February 14, 2008

The Perfect Valentine

I have fun memories of Valentines' Day: filling out the cards, figuring out which card to give to that special someone, handing them out in their white envelopes, and then counting to see how many you got. Some cards were funny. Some were cute. All had hearts. I liked the ones with candy the best.

Some kids received tons of Valentines'. Their bags would be overflowing. A few kids received hardly any at all. It must have been tough for those who weren't the most popular or had few friends. Everyone wants to be liked. Everyone wants acceptance. Everyone needs to feel loved.

Nowadays that problem is solved by requiring cards for all the kids. No one is to be left out. But yet there are those who know that they are not fully accepted by their peers. They know deep down that those cards are just tokens and not true indications of how others really feel about them.

There is only One person who accepts us for who we are and loves us unconditionally. That person is Jesus. He is the Perfect Valentine. He gave up His life here on earth so that we can have eternal life when we accept Him as our Lord and Savior. He has the power to fill any heart with love.

Are you feeling a lack of love this Valentines' Day? Jesus is waiting for you with open arms and the biggest heart of all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How wonderful to know I am loved and accepted by God. Such an awesome fact!! Thanks for reminding me.