Friday, February 22, 2008

Facts and Figures

It's tax time again. Time to find myself surrounded by stacks of receipts, piles of adding machine tape, and large manila envelopes. I try to be pretty meticulous with my figures. I want to make sure I note everything so I'm prepared when we see our accountant.

As you have probably determined by now, I handle the finances in our household. I've always been good at math, so it was easy for my husband to hand the checkbook over to me. I know exactly to the penny how much money we have. It drives me nuts if my figures don't match the statements, and I will research the situation until a solution is found.

Numbers are logical. They can only work a certain way, and if things don't match up, then there is something wrong with the process. Maybe the reason I'm so diligent when it comes to our finances is that the outcome is tangible. The numbers are real and cannot be changed.

So why does a logical numbers person believe in a God that I cannot see or feel or touch? I believe because of God's Word. It is tangible. It is real. It has been proven over and over again. The Bible is a compilation of 66 books by over 40 authors who were inspired by the Holy Spirit to deliver a message of repentance, forgiveness, love and salvation. I take it to heart because it is a personal love letter to each one of us. I don't know any other god (note the lowercase) who has given so much, even his own life, like God did for us with His Son Jesus.

The Lord says in Jeremiah 29:13: "And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart." Let God show you that He is real. Let Him change your life for the better. Open His Word. Seek Him with a whole heart. You will be blessed when He reveals Himself to you.


Gloria McQueen Stockstill said...

Catherine, I can't imagine going crazy over not knowing where every penny is. I haven't balanced my checkbook in years. I just call the bank to see how much money I have in my account!!

Hope you don't have to worry too much with those taxes.


Catherine L. Osornio said...

Many, many years ago I was surprised by some unexpected tax matters. I'd rather have an idea of what I'm getting into before I walk into our accountants office than afterwards.

Have an awesome day!

Nancy I. Sanders said...

I had to smile as I read both your comments this morning! I'm somewhere in between--I sat down 2 days ago to balance my "ledger" after not paying any attention to it since before Christmas!!!!! So of course it was a nightmare but after writing in "error adjustment" (I love how I can just do that!) and discovering two checks I'd never written in my deposits, I'm squared away once again. Next time I'll invite you over, Catherine, and let you help me! And Gloria, you can call our banks and see if our addition is correct. Smile.