Friday, September 4, 2009

Playing the Game

My son just bought a new video game. As I watched him play, I noticed he was doing things in an aimless kind of way. Instead of reading the rules and game tips, he plodded along, trying this and that on his own. He did well, but he had more questions than answers.

Personally, I like knowing what I'm doing. I prefer reading beforehand to find out what I'm up against. Maybe that's why I don't mind reading my Bible. It lets me know what God has planned for me. Then I don't feel like I'm wandering aimlessly because I know there are great and wonderful promises waiting to be fulfilled in my life.

How do you function in this game of life? Do you try to figure things out on your own, not knowing what to do or where to go? Find some real answers by reading God's Word. You will receive a wonderful sense of direction.

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