Friday, February 12, 2010

Time to Relax

I'm so looking forward to this weekend. It seems as if I've been inundated with a whirlwind of activity lately. Everywhere I turn there is something to do and somewhere to go. I really could use a bit of rest and relaxation. But is that even possible? Most of my activities revolve around transporting children and running errands. And with the kids home for 4 days, I can't even take a simple nap without the noise that a small household creates.

But it is necessary to take a break. Even Jesus took time off with His disciples to refresh and renew. We can get so caught up with life that we forget that our bodies need to be rejuvenated every so often. So, I will try hard to take off my shoes and just sit. I'll read a book, or maybe I'll draw some cartoons. Whatever I decide to do, I will use the time to relax and unwind, so I can be ready when the next week begins.

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