Monday, December 14, 2009

A Word About Christmas

Many advertisers are changing their tune this season, acknowledging Christmas in their ads. It's about time. But just because they realize that most of their shoppers are buying Christmas presents doesn't mean they want to acknowledge its true meaning: the birth of Jesus.

Santa Claus is pushed to the forefront more than ever. This legendary character has some amazing attributes: he sees you when you're sleeping; he knows when you've been bad or good. I'm sorry, but only God can do those things. This is why my husband and I chose not to give our children gifts from Santa Claus. Jesus is the reason for the season, so He needs to be the center of our celebration, not some make-believe jolly man who flies around in a sleigh pulled by reindeer.

We did receive some frowns initially, but since the kids didn't seem to suffer socially from this lack of Christmas cheer, no one brings it up anymore. Our children know the truth about Christmas, and that's far more important. They know God came down to earth to suffer and die for our sins, and then rose again so we may have eternal life.

I think it hurts kids more to put their faith in Santa Claus, and then have that faith shattered with the truth that he is not real. Wouldn't it be much better to just tell them the truth about Jesus? He is not make-believe. He is the genuine article. And He is far more amazing than Santa will ever be, because He is God and He holds the key to our entering Heaven.

Who are you celebrating this Christmas season?

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