Friday, August 14, 2009

Taking Your Temperature

My daughter had her annual physical the other day. I was amazed at the way they took her temperature. Instead of the mercury thermometer I had as a kid, or the ear readers they were using just last year, the new techno-temperature gadget is a device that rolls over your forehead for a few seconds to take a reading. It's quick, easy, and there are no disposable parts. It's a great way to see if one's temperature is normal.

How is your temperature? I'm not talking about the 98.6 degree kind. I'm talking about your temperature with God. Are you cold with disdain and distance? Are you lukewarm with belief but no productivity? Or are you hot because you're on fire for Him?

I know I have been more lukewarm than not. There are times when I'm not as active in my relationship with the Lord as I should be. What I really desire is to be on fire; feverish so-to-speak. I want to feel more comfortable sharing about His love and living more fully for Him. Some days I'm successful; other times I know I need more work. But I also have to realize that God is the One who will give me what I need, in all areas of my life.

James 4:8 says, "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you." The more we seek the Lord and a better relationship with Him, the easier it will be to become feverish for Him. But it is a choice that each person will have to make. The Lord will not force us into a more substantial relationship.

So, how's your temperature?

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