Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Sentida Days

Do you ever have those days when you feel extra sensitive? When you feel sorry for yourself for no justifiable reason? Growing up we'd use the expression, "She's sentida today." Sentida (or sentido for a boy) is Spanish for sensitive or touchy. I honestly don't like those feelings.

I'm normally an optimistic person. I know God has blessed me in many areas, and I try to live my life hopeful and positive. But Satan doesn't want us feeling this way. He wants us to feel like no one cares; like we are alone in this great big world with no one to love us. Sometimes it feels like we have to struggle out of the mire of doubt and hopelessness.

That's the perfect time to dive into the Scriptures. The Psalms are an excellent place to restore those hopeful feelings and cast off the lies of the enemy. King David had many trials. There were times when he couldn't see the outcome of the situation and it awakened doubts and fears. But David knew one thing: God loved Him and was faithful. The Lord would carry Him through.

So when you have those sentida or sentido days, turn to the Lord. Read His promises in the Bible, and know that you are loved deeply by the Creator of All.

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