Monday, August 17, 2009

Taking the Blame

Have you ever been blamed for something you didn't do? It isn't a pleasant feeling, particulary when that action is totally opposite your character. Sometimes, even with all the evidence in your favor, you still receive the blame.

How many times have you blamed God for something that has happened in your life? Maybe you are in the midst of trials, and because you lead a righteous life, you feel you shouldn't be experiencing these troubles. So you blame God. Yet, when you honestly look at the evidence, you'll see that your choices have created the circumstances you now face.

Do you know that when you blame God that you are in sin? God loves you. He wants what's best for you. Sometimes that involves allowing situations to happen that you may not like; but He is more interested in your character than your comfort. Does He cause every circumstance? No. But He does allow things to happen because He has better things planned for you in the days ahead.

Don't blame God for what's happening in your life. Instead, ask the Lord what He would have you learn from this situation. It's much easier to work with Him than work against Him.

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