Monday, April 20, 2009

Spring Cleaning

Yesterday we took on a major spring cleaning project that was way overdue. We started the long laborious process of organizing and cleaning out our garage.

It took us several hours in over ninety degree weather. We pulled everything out from the middle of the garage, and then started sorting through boxes and reorganizing shelves. The job was dusty, grimy, and tiring. The main problem was that there was just so much stuff, most of which was junk. Our neighbor was gracious enough to let us use one of his trash cans because ours were filled beyond the brim.

I was reminded of how much junk we keep in our lives. Bad habits, unforgiveness, grudges, and bitterness are just a few examples. As Christians we need to clean out the things that drag us down spiritually. When we confess these to the Lord, He cleanses us, allowing for more room in our hearts for the things that matter.

It takes time to clean out everything. Our garage will take a few more days, but if we are persistent and consistent, then we will soon be able to find what we're looking for instead of bumping into all the clutter.

Do you have too much junk in your life? Try a bit of spring cleaning Jesus style.

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