Friday, April 3, 2009

Learning to Love

Let's be honest. It's not easy to follow the commandment to love our neighbor as ourselves. Sure, it's easier to do so with our family and friends, but what about the irritating guy on the freeway who cut you off, or the bank teller with the bad attitude, or someone in the office with an annoying habit? We're still called to love them, because as the Good Samaritan parable teaches, our neighbor is everyone, even those we find difficult to love.

Only God can love unconditionally; therefore, He is the one who can help us love those who rub us the wrong way. He can change our hearts into hearts of compassion. He can make us see others through His eyes, showing us that they, too, need that extended hand of fellowship and caring.

We all have people in our lives who could benefit from God's love through us. Why not ask the Lord to teach you how to love them His way?

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