Friday, January 9, 2009


We’ve all heard about couples, after many years of marriage, recommitting themselves to one another in a renewal of their vows. We’ve also heard of people who have walked away from God only to return down the road to recommit themselves to Christ. Recommitment is a great way to say how serious we are in wanting a relationship to continue.

But recommitments aren’t only for long lasting marriages and backsliding believers. I think every Christian needs to reevaluate their relationship with the Lord every once in a while to check if he/she is on track with Him.

Have you ever tried to use a compass while on a hike? You set your bearing, then you look off in the distance straight ahead of you to find a landmark that is easily identifiable. You walk in that direction until you hit that particular spot. But what if you set your bearing and the land has many dips and hills ahead of you? You can easily lose sight of your landmark. That is when you need to reorient yourself, checking your compass to make sure you are heading in the right direction.

As Christians life can easily cause us to lose sight of our landmark. The Holy Spirit is our compass, showing us the right direction to head. But unless we recommit ourselves to following the right landmark (meaning following Jesus), we can end up wandering away from the close relationship we once had with the Lord.

Take the time to make sure you’re following the right path. Recommit yourself to following after Jesus.

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