Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The Importance of Remembrance

My Bible reading the other day was about Noah and the flood. What a horrific event that must have been to live through! Torrential rains, being tossed about on the waves, people and animals in fear, and probably thoughts of, "Is this ever going to end?" And then, when the rain did stop, there was no sign of any land or landmark since the waters covered the highest mountains by over 22 feet.

I would have been frightened. I would have needed a whole lot of trust in that situation. The Bible doesn't tell us that Noah knew what was going to happen after the flood. It just mentions that God told him there would be a flood that would wipe out the entire population of the earth.

For 150 days Noah, his family, and the animals were floating about, not having any idea what their future held. The Scriptures even seem to imply that God was silent during that time. But then there is a sign of hope. Genesis 8:1 says, "But God remembered Noah and all the animals in the boat." What a wonderful Scripture of hope! In the midst of trials and seemingly aimlessness, God was still at work. He hadn't left the scene even though He hadn't been "heard."

That chapter goes on to say that God sent a wind to blow across the waters so the waters could recede. The ark then came to rest on Mount Ararat. It would still be many days before Noah could leave the ark and begin a new life in a semi-new world, but what a wonderful testimony of God's faithfulness to watch over those He loves.

Do your trials make you feel that you are being tossed to and fro with no sign of hope? Wait on the Lord. Trust Him completely. He does remember you!

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