Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Fast Food Friendship

Fast food has permeated the lives of many Americans. Because of our busy lifestyles, it is more convenient to drive thru and pick up our meals instead of spending time fixing our food ourselves. We are so used to quick, easy, and immediate access that we sometimes pass this ideology onto other things in our lives, including friendships.

We want fast responses to our questions. We want others to immediately understand what makes us tick. We want the ease of camaraderie in a moments worth of time. And that may happen with some friends. But any good and long lasting relationship takes time to develop.

We may have a quick attraction to another’s personality, but only after in depth conversations and a willingness to understand and engage one another can we honestly develop a true and deep friendship.

Don’t try to fast food your friends. Take the time to get to know them. I have found in my life that it is well worth the time and effort.

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