Monday, May 18, 2009

That's Entertainment

Did you get your ears tickled at church this past Sunday? I'm referring to the notion that people want to be entertained when they go to church. They want worship to be a certain way, as if they're attending a concert. They want the sermon to be short and funny with no "fire and brimstone" messages. But is that what we should truly be looking for?

We aren't supposed to go to church to please ourselves. We go out of obedience to God to join with fellow believers (the true definition of the church) to learn what God has to say to us through the study of His word. When we look for a church, we should be looking for 1) truth in how the message is preached; 2) a walk-through-the-Bible approach where you study line by line, chapter by chapter in order to receive the full counsel of God; and 3) an opportunity to worship the Lord with songs of praise, even if it's with only our voices. Everything beyond that is icing on the cake.

So if you're not "entertained" every Sunday, that's okay. The main thing is to learn about the true character of God, and to see what promises and encouragements and instructions He has for our lives.

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