Friday, May 22, 2009

The Dark Hour Will Pass

From the days of doctor visits and home health care, we read about people who were stricken with life threatening illnesses. The doctor worked fervently and the people prayed through the night, hoping for a turn of events. It was only until the crisis has passed, where the patient's body was finally resisting the illness, that the doctor could relax and the family and friends could rejoice.

Isn't it like that sometimes in our trials? While we are in the midst of it, everything seems so dark and dismal. We don't know which way the situation will turn. We can only pray and trust God to see us through. But like the illustration above, the dark hour will pass. What looked like death, now shows a glimmer of hope. That hope becomes brighter as we put ourselves completely in the Lord's hands and trust Him to make us stronger and more resilient each and every day.

Are you in a dark hour of your life? Turn the sitation over to God. Trust Him for the outcome. And soon you will see hope shining through the darkness.

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