Monday, May 4, 2009

Renewed Vision

Have you noticed that as you age, your vision gets worse? In my case low lighting is bad news, especially with small print. Unless I'm reading, using the computer, or driving at night, I usually don't wear my glasses. This means I can forget about reading all those fine print labels at the supermarket, because, of course, I left my glasses at home thinking I didn't need them. I'm sure as I get older I will need to start carrying them around more and more.

Sometimes we lose vision in another way -- in our walk with God. We usually start out strong, stepping out in faith upon the journey the Lord would have us take. But as we age, and as life in general consumes our time, our vision weakens and blurs.

As Christians it is vital for us to have a strong vision for the Lord's work. We are here on this earth for His purposes. His plans need to succeed, not our own. Proverbs 29:18a tells us, "Where there is no vision, the people perish..." We need to renew our vision if we want to lead a joyous and productive Christian life.

So how do we renew our vision? We seek the ultimate vision restorer -- God. When we humble ourselves before Him, acknowledging the fact that our vision needs restoration, then He will show us how to get on the right track again. We may get our vision back quickly, or it may take some time (especially if we have let things fog over for too long); but God is faithful and He will lead us in the right direction once again as we daily put our trust in Him.

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