Monday, March 8, 2010

Terms of the Contract

Most major sales purchases, agreements, or business dealings require a contract. By definition it is a agreement by two or more individuals or groups that is generally written down and is enforced by law. A contract is a serious document because, based on your signature, and that of others involved, you are agreeing to follow the exact specifications or terms of this agreement with consequences to those who fail to keep their part of the bargain. A contract is not to be taken lightly.

We have a contract with God when we become Christians. We are agreeing that we recognize He is our Lord and Savior, and that we will follow His terms, not our own. This means that we are not to engage in actions that are contrary to His word: no sex before marriage, no looking with lust at another person other than your spouse, no lying or cheating or stealing, no drunken and disorderly behavior, no murdering (including that child within your womb), no putting anything before God (family, career, objects, etc.). When He is our LORD, these do not seem like outrageous requirements, because our love for Him tells us we need to obey, not only through our words, but by our actions.

God calls us to be Holy because He is Holy. We are not to live for ourselves, but for Him. Therefore, we must not pick the parts of our contract that we want to obey. We need to obey all the terms set before us.

Be honest. Are you keeping with the Terms of your Contract with God? If not, then you really need to consider if He is truly your LORD.

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