Friday, January 22, 2010


Because of our current rainy weather conditions, the line of cars to pick up kids after school have increased. I usually try to arrive early, especially on these inclement days, so I can get a good parking spot. But it is almost impossible picking up my oldest son because he gets out 15 minutes after my other kids, so all the choice parking spots are taken.

Yesterday was really bad. I had to park halfway down the block behind a car with tinted windows. Because I was so far away, my son didn't see me. He didn't think I was there at all, so he waited at the corner in the rain, feeling cold, wet, and forgotten. It wasn't until ten minutes later, as I finally pulled out and weaved my way through the heavy traffic, that he saw me, a look of relief on his face.

To my son, I was hidden. Because he could not see me, he thought I was nowhere to be found. Yet I was waiting there all along; just like God waits for us. Sometimes in our trials we feel alone and abandoned. We don't see God or feel Him, so we think He's left us. But that is never the case. God is always around. He's always within reach, but our attitudes or impatience or our sin keeps Him from our view. But it is easy to rectify the situation. All we have to do is call out to Him, and then we will be amazed that He was right there all along.

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