Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Trudging Through Trials

We all experience trials throughout our days. They're just part of life. We don't like them, especially when they last a long time, but if we are honest with ourselves we will see that we learn a lot from them.

As I was reading my devotions this morning, I came across a Scripture I had underlined some time ago. It was Psalm 105:19, which says, "Until the time came to fulfill His Word, the LORD tested Joseph's character." Depending on one's attitude, you can either look at this verse with frustration or with joy. It is frustrating to realize that our trials have determined lengths: that we will experience difficulties until God has decided we've learned what He has to teach us. It can be joyful as we realize that it is only for a season, and that there is an ultimate purpose behind the struggle that will not only bless us, but will most importantly glorify God.

When I look at the life of Joseph, I see hardships and struggles in the beginning. I also see his faithfulness as he kept his eyes on the LORD. But, most specifically, I see that his perseverance paid off with rewards that were beyond his comprehension when he was experiencing his trials.

So as we trudge along in our hardships, remember that it will not last forever and God has a wonderful plan for you at the end.

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