Friday, November 13, 2009

The I Have List

When my son is ready to walk out the door to go to school, he begins his "I have" list. He'll say, "I have my lunch, I have my homework, I have my school I.D.," etc., etc. He goes over this mental list to make sure he hasn't forgotten anything and that he's prepared for his day.

The other day as he went through his routine, I couldn't help think of the "I haves" that we often forget: I have a God who loves me, I have a Savior who sacrificed His life for me so I can go to heaven when I die, I have family and friends who care for me, I have food on the table, I have a roof over my head. The list is endless if we stop and think about it.

It's easy to forget all that we have. Let's try to make the time each day to go over the true "I have" list and thank God for all that He has given us.

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