Friday, November 6, 2009

Not All That You See

I had purchased a 20 pound sack of extra large potatoes the other week with the purpose of stretching out my money with the multiple ways of cooking them. All the potatoes were nice and brown and big, with few if any bad blemishes to the skins.

Yesterday, I grabbed a rather large one from the sack to add to the turkey soup I was making. I peeled, then started to cut it into chunks. But as I began to slice deeper into the spud, I started to see some dark sections in the center. I sliced more, thinking perhaps it was just a bad spot, but it turned out that the whole tuber was rotten, with an ugly, cavernous hole in the middle.

Isn't it funny how we are all fooled by the exterior? We think that just because something looks good on the outside, then the inside must be fine. But that isn't always the case. Jesus warned us about this when He told His disciples about false prophets (Matthew 7:15-20). They may look okay, and even seem to speak well, but they are actually wolves in sheep's clothing.

Don't be fooled by what you see and hear. Investigate further to make sure the facts are true. You don't want to end up with something rotten to the core.

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