Friday, March 27, 2009

Long Distance

Long distance used to be a big deal years ago. I remember watching an “I Love Lucy” episode where Lucy was trying to call Little Ricky from Europe and was having a difficult time getting through. Today, we have our cell phones that help cut the cost of long distance charges and have an almost instantaneous connection.

I spoke to my Grandmother yesterday who lives in New Mexico. It was great catching up on all the latest with her, and she enjoyed hearing the news about me and my family. At the end of the call she mentioned, “It would be nice to see you sometime soon.” Yes, it would be nice to be able to hop a plane to visit, but the costs don’t make a trip like that easy, especially when I have a family of six to consider in the factoring.

Too bad we couldn’t just transport ourselves like on Star Trek. It would save time and money, and allow for convenient visitations to see our loved ones. Unfortunately, that piece of science fiction has yet to emerge as reality; and I really doubt it ever will. I’ll just have to settle for those long distance phone calls and the occasional letters and e-mails that keep us all connected until the budget can afford another visit.

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