Monday, February 16, 2009

Disappointing Results

For Valentine's Day my husband and I decided to make a nice homemade meal. We tried a new recipe we had seen on a cooking show that was supposed to make delicious and crunchy fried chicken. We bought all the ingredients and then set about making this mouth watering delight.

After a good 2 1/2 hours of prep and cooking time (which was a lot longer than the TV demonstrated), we finally sat down to eat. I wasn't extremely impressed. Although it wasn't bad, it was disappointing for all the trouble we went through. It's easier to buy KFC.

Sometimes things aren't what they seem. Just like our supposedly foolproof recipe, the energy and efforts aren't worth the outcome. Unfortunately, we often don't know until too late that we are going to be sorely disappointed.

Does that mean we don't even try? No. There have been several tasty dishes we've discovered by trying a new recipe; therefore, there will be many times that our hard work will bring rich rewards. The secret is to keep trying. We never know when we will enjoy the results.

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