Monday, June 7, 2010

Recipe for Success

Yesterday my husband and I cooked a roast based on a recipe we saw on TV on one of the cooking shows. Our hard work paid off and we had a delicious meal that included some yummy gravy. But what if we hadn't followed the recipe? The roast may have turned out okay, but it wouldn't have been the delectable meal that was intended.

It's kind of like that with our relationship with God. He has designed the perfect recipe for our lives: accepting Jesus as our Lord and Savior. Only this will bring us repentance and eternal life. Nothing else will do. We can try to fudge things to make our lives look good, but in the end, our lives have to pass a test, and that test is what we did with Jesus.

Are you looking for the perfect recipe for successful living? Try Jesus. You will be blessed with the most amazing results.

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