Monday, June 14, 2010

Keeping the Dust Away

It's amazing how quickly dust accumulates. You can wipe down a dresser or desk in the morning, and by afternoon there's another layer skimming the tops again. It seems like a never-ending process to keep things looking shining and clean.

This reminds me to keep my faith dust-free. Too much time away from my Bible and daily prayer can leave me with a layer of complacency and laziness. If I don't actively work to keep my faith alive and active, I will become weak and inefficient in my spiritual walk.

With all the distractions that our world has to offer, it's not easy to remain dust-free. But I want my faith to be strong, so I must make it a point to do all I can, with the help of the Holy Spirit of course, to keep in the Word and to keep Christ near and dear to my heart.

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