Monday, May 3, 2010

Stepping Out

We are to walk by faith, not by sight. This often isn't easy, but it is a necessity in the Christian life. But how do we know we are heading in the right direction? How do we know we haven't sidestepped accidentally along the way?

We can ask the Lord. As we step out in faith, we can pray for the Lord's direction, asking Him to open or close the doors we are heading through. If we do this in total trust, I believe He will honor our faith in Him and lead accordingly. It's when we aren't willing to follow and are not willing to check ourselves along the way that we get into trouble.

Proverbs 3:6 says, "In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths." This is straight from God's word. The Bible is His inspired Words to us. So we can believe that He will direct if we give Him the honor He deserves.

Have you hesitated to step out for fear of following the wrong way? Ask the Lord to help you trust Him so He can lead the way.

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