Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Looking Back to Look Ahead

The year is almost over. We can soon say good-bye to 2009 and say hello to 2010. Many people are deciding what resolutions to make for the upcoming year. Before I make any resolutions, however, I want to look back. I want to see how differently my thoughts and hopes had been for 2009 and see how close or how far they were to reality. I want to remember what roads I traveled, and what detours I had to make.

But most importantly, I want to review again just how interactive God was in my life. I felt His presence every step of the way. In trials and triumphs, He was there. At home or away, He was in my heart. I cannot escape from the Lord, as Psalm 139 talks about, nor would I want to. He is One source of strength and comfort and guidance I never want to be without.

So as I look back at all 2009 brought me, I can't help but smile at the Lord's presence in my life. And as I look ahead to 2010, I wait with eager anticipation to see all He has planned for me.

Monday, December 28, 2009


It never fails. At least once a year my sore throat turns into laryngitis. This time my voice started fading as I enjoyed Christmas with the relatives. I started out strong, and by the end of the evening I could feel the strain on my vocal cords and only a mere whisper proceeded from my lips. Now I'm trying only to speak when necessary.

But that is a difficult feat to accomplish. There is just too much to say or to explain. Hand signs or scraps of paper fail to communicate all that is in my heart and mind. I can't wait until I get my voice back.

Of course, times like these help me to recognize just how important our words are. That is why when I read my Bible I try to really look at the words. Granted I do take into account the fact that it has been translated, but I can still understand the message that the Lord is trying to get across to me. Sometimes a particular word will jump out. It was used for a reason, and I try to see how the Lord would apply it to my life. It's amazing the insights you can receive when you really "pay attention" to the words.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Wishing you a Blessed and Joyous Christmas as we remember that Jesus is the Reason for this Season!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The Free Gift

The malls are crowded. Convenient parking is a rarity. Patience is lacking. Yes, it's Christmas time once again. Time to buy, buy, buy those special gifts for family and friends. Oh...that scarf would be perfect for Aunt Paula. Those socks are crazy enough for cousin Fred. The boss could use a new fountain pen, and those are just the action figures that little Joey was asking for.

It's all about the gift, isn't it? Yes...except everyone has the wrong one in mind. They forgot about the free gift that this season was designed for. They forgot about Jesus.

Christmas is supposed to be the time we celebrate the birth of our Savior. It is to commemorate His time on earth where He sacrificed Himself so that our sins can be forgiven, and so that we can experience eternal life when our earthly bodies die.

The gift is free...but so many refuse to take it. The gift brings hope...but many choose to find hope in articles and objects that will eventually bring emptiness.

Even with this down economy, people are spending their hard-earned cash to buy gifts. Too bad they miss the best gift that cost them nothing and God everything.

Looking for a great gift this year? Give them Jesus.

Monday, December 21, 2009


My kids have been bickering a lot lately. They keep bugging and pestering to the point that I start hearing, "Mom...he's doing this!" or "Mom...she's doing that!" It's enough to drive a mother crazy. And to top it off, they've just begun their Christmas break. UGH!

But then I wonder, isn't that how we are sometimes with our spouses? Aren't there times when we bicker with them, and then call on God saying, "Lord, did you see what he did?" or "Did you see what she did?"

I say enough of the muttering, fighting, and carrying on. We need to develop a mutual respect for one another, even if we don't always get along. We need to be loving; finding ways to show that although we don't always agree with them, they are still significant and special in our lives.

Of course, the sure fire way of doing this is asking the LORD for help. He can inspire the best ideas for dealing peaceably with each other. All we have to do is ask. So if you find yourself doing some bickering, ask God to help you work on a more amiable solution for peace in your household.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Singing Through the Season

I love Christmas music. The songs bring back wonderful memories from my childhood: chilly nights, candy canes, marshmallows, decorated Christmas trees, and manger scenes. They also play prominently now at my home when we decorate the house or have our yearly Christmas cookie baking day.

The nice thing is my children are sharing in this love. My oldest told me as Thanksgiving was approaching that he couldn't wait for the beginning of the Christmas songs as they now play from Thanksgiving to Christmas. We all enjoy singing along in the car or at home as a catchy or familiar tune hits the airwaves.

And I love that our worship services at church feature beloved Christmas hymns. The joyous sounds of the whole congregation joining in song is but a hint of what we can look forward to when we sing in heaven.

Yes, I love singing through the season. It prepares my heart for the best time of the year: celebrating the birth of our Savior.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Unexpected Blessings

This Christmas I had wanted to treat my son to the Toby Mac concert that was coming to town. But because of an unanticipated change in our finances, concert tickets were not in our budget. So when I heard that our local radio station was offering some tickets as prizes, I decided to try to see if I could win.

After seven tries in two days, I became caller number 7 and won! My kids were so excited, especially my oldest son. They are in for a big treat. In fact, I think this will be their first concert.

I have been thanking the Lord for this unexpected blessing. I could have kept calling and kept getting passed over, but the Lord allowed persistence to pay off. Yeah!

Monday, December 14, 2009

A Word About Christmas

Many advertisers are changing their tune this season, acknowledging Christmas in their ads. It's about time. But just because they realize that most of their shoppers are buying Christmas presents doesn't mean they want to acknowledge its true meaning: the birth of Jesus.

Santa Claus is pushed to the forefront more than ever. This legendary character has some amazing attributes: he sees you when you're sleeping; he knows when you've been bad or good. I'm sorry, but only God can do those things. This is why my husband and I chose not to give our children gifts from Santa Claus. Jesus is the reason for the season, so He needs to be the center of our celebration, not some make-believe jolly man who flies around in a sleigh pulled by reindeer.

We did receive some frowns initially, but since the kids didn't seem to suffer socially from this lack of Christmas cheer, no one brings it up anymore. Our children know the truth about Christmas, and that's far more important. They know God came down to earth to suffer and die for our sins, and then rose again so we may have eternal life.

I think it hurts kids more to put their faith in Santa Claus, and then have that faith shattered with the truth that he is not real. Wouldn't it be much better to just tell them the truth about Jesus? He is not make-believe. He is the genuine article. And He is far more amazing than Santa will ever be, because He is God and He holds the key to our entering Heaven.

Who are you celebrating this Christmas season?

Friday, December 11, 2009

Making Time for Friends

Although this is a busy time of year with Christmas just around the corner, I have set aside a few days to get together with friends I don't always get a chance to spend time with.

Friendships are a gift from God. He knows we need fellowship with others, particularly believers who we can share in the joys of the Lord and encourage each other in life's trials. But today's lifestyle is hectic. We are so busy that if we aren't careful, we can be in danger of isolating ourselves; something which the Bible discourages.

It isn't too difficult to reach out and maintain our friendships. I try to e-mail my friends every so often to say a quick "Hi" and to see how they're doing. I've also sent Scripture texts to encourage, or left voicemails to let them know I'm praying for them. I also try to arrange a get-together, even if it's to meet for coffee/tea and muffins for a half-hour or so on a weekday morning after the kids have been dropped off at school.

I cherish the friends the Lord has given me. And just as the Lord calls us to be good stewards in life, I feel it's vital to be good stewards in our friendships, too. How are you making time for your friends?

Monday, December 7, 2009

Looking Behind to Move Forward

We all experience difficulties in life. Some of them we really don't want to remember. And many things we shouldn't. But one thing I have learned is that I sometimes need to look behind me in order to move forward.

What I mean is, our difficulties create teachable moments where we have the opportunity to grow so we don't repeat our mistakes. If we look behind to grab that lesson, then we can move forward in our maturity and development. We don't want the past to drag us down. But we can use the past to change us for the better.

How about you? Have you taken the time to look behind you so you can move forward? Why don't you give it a try and see just how much you grow.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Taking Time to Pray

How does God do it? How does He keep track of all the people in the world? The Bible says that He knows the hairs on everyone's head. Considering the population of the world is over 6.8 billion, that's a lot of heads. Yet He intimately knows each one of us. He knows our troubles and our joys.

As I grow older, I find there are more people to pray for. Sometimes in my busyness, I may forget to keep someone in prayer. It's just hard keeping track of everyone and everything that needs to be lifted up to the Lord. But I try. I even use my sleepless nights to ask the Lord, "Who do You want me to pray for right now?"

I'm not any holier because I pray. I pray mostly because that's the way I can get closer to God. There is a desire in me to get to know Him better, and besides reading my Bible, I know it is best to pray. It's not hard. It's like talking on the phone except you don't always hear a response right away. But I keep talking because I know for a fact He is listening.

If you don't pray often, try to make it a habit. God knows all about you (and He still loves you!). Why don't you try to know Him a little better through prayer?

Monday, November 30, 2009

One-On-One Time

Thanksgiving week was a good week. We had fun getting together with the relatives and spending some good one-on-one time with the kids. There weren't the normal distractions of school and work. This made our interactions more precious since there was nothing to disrupt our time together.

Shouldn't we relate to God in such a way? Shouldn't we give Him more one-on-one time so we can get to know Him more intimately? It is easy to allow distractions to interfere. Since we can't "see" God, we sometimes neglect His presence even though He is with us always.

How can we generate some quality time with the LORD? Try getting up early and reading through a chapter in the Bible. There are limited distractions when you are awake before everyone else in the household. The phone isn't usually ringing off the hook, and the kids aren't asking you where they put their homework or for the new shirt they were going to wear.

By creating a habit of early morning fellowship with God, we are opening ourselves up to hearing what the Creator of the universe has to say. And He has lots to say; like how much He loves us and how much He wants us to seek Him when we have doubts and to cling to Him when we have fears. Getting to know God is a good thing. Try it. Ask Him to reveal Himself to you, and you will be blessed by the one-on-one time you spend with the LORD of Lords.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Taking a Few Days Off

To spend time with my family, I will not be posting Wednesday or Friday of this week. Happy Thanksgiving and see you on Monday!

Monday, November 23, 2009

A Season of Thankfulness

This is Thanksgiving week. A time to give thanks. But who are we to give thanks to? Some people would have you believe we are to thank each other. Actually, we are to thank God Almighty. Since the time of the Pilgrims, this nation has recognized that we have been blessed by God; that everything we have received comes from Him. Will our current administration thank God this year? It's hard to say. But I know that at the majority of dinner tables this Thanksgiving, especially with our strained economy, there will be many who still will acknowledge the One who has deserves our gratefulness each and every day.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Do You Call Him LORD?

Jesus said in the 14th chapter of John that if we love Him we were to keep His commandments. That means if we call Him LORD (note the caps), then we must be obedient to what He says we are to do. We aren't to pick and choose. We aren't supposed to disregard His commands because we don't feel it's relevent or it's not what we want to do. James 4:11b in the New Living Translation says, "But you are not a judge who can decide whether the law is right or wrong. Your job is to obey it."

Are you calling Him LORD? Then heed His words and obey His commands; otherwise, He's really not that significant in your life.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Accepting the Facts

As the years go by, I can't avoid the fact that my body is no longer that youthful, energetic one of my youth. Bones are starting to creak more often. Joints are beginning to ache. I can no longer kneel on my left knee without a sharp piercing pain as if I were pushing on a teeny-tiny rock.

When did I start to age? When did that slow slide from youthfulness begin? I can pull out my hair trying to pinpoint an exact age, but the signs have been evident, particularly in the last five years after my trip to Israel. It was there that my knees first started to buckle as I climbed up the stairs to see the tel at Beit Shean. No wonder the LORD opened up the doors for that visit. I may not be so energetic the next time.

I have accepted the facts of this aging process, but I am not going down without a fight. I will still try to keep active as much as possible. I will still try to play ball or have fun with my kids. I may not be able to run fast or to ride bikes as far as I once did, but I won't let this eventual deterioration of my body get the best of me. As long as the LORD allows, I will continue to be and to do, and I will thank Him for every creak and twinge because it says I'm still alive and can still make a difference.

Monday, November 16, 2009

God-Given Glimpses

None of us knows the exact plans God has for our lives. I think He does this on purpose for our protection. He knows that our egos or our pride or our fears may get in the way. But sometimes He gives us little glimpse; little hints of something in the future.

This may come in the form of a Scripture verse that He gave one day while reading His Word. Or it may come by a chain of events leading up to a certain point. Whichever way God chooses to give you some insight, be thankful for it and learn from it. You were given a glimpse for a reason. Sometimes it is to help you prepare. Other times it's to give you hope. Ultimately, the lesson is that God loves you and wants to show you He is involved in every aspect of your life.

Friday, November 13, 2009

The I Have List

When my son is ready to walk out the door to go to school, he begins his "I have" list. He'll say, "I have my lunch, I have my homework, I have my school I.D.," etc., etc. He goes over this mental list to make sure he hasn't forgotten anything and that he's prepared for his day.

The other day as he went through his routine, I couldn't help think of the "I haves" that we often forget: I have a God who loves me, I have a Savior who sacrificed His life for me so I can go to heaven when I die, I have family and friends who care for me, I have food on the table, I have a roof over my head. The list is endless if we stop and think about it.

It's easy to forget all that we have. Let's try to make the time each day to go over the true "I have" list and thank God for all that He has given us.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Happy Veterans' Day

To all who have put on the uniform to defend this great Nation, we give you thanks and lift you up in our prayers!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Does God Hear?

There is so much suffering in this world; so many injustices. People often wonder if God really does hear, or if He even cares.

God not only hears, He understands our sufferings. He watched His Son be beaten and then crucified. He allowed this because of His great love for us. No one else was capable of taking the sins of the world upon Himself but God Himself who came down to earth in human form.

So how does this help in the midst of suffering? By showing us that if God loved us enough to allow His Son to take our punishment for sins past, present, and future, then He will be there to give us hope and strength as we experience whatever trial that comes into our lives. If we turn to Him, call out to Him, and then cling to Him, He will see us through to the end.

Take your sufferings and give it to the Lord, and then see how He shows you His love and touches your life.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Not All That You See

I had purchased a 20 pound sack of extra large potatoes the other week with the purpose of stretching out my money with the multiple ways of cooking them. All the potatoes were nice and brown and big, with few if any bad blemishes to the skins.

Yesterday, I grabbed a rather large one from the sack to add to the turkey soup I was making. I peeled, then started to cut it into chunks. But as I began to slice deeper into the spud, I started to see some dark sections in the center. I sliced more, thinking perhaps it was just a bad spot, but it turned out that the whole tuber was rotten, with an ugly, cavernous hole in the middle.

Isn't it funny how we are all fooled by the exterior? We think that just because something looks good on the outside, then the inside must be fine. But that isn't always the case. Jesus warned us about this when He told His disciples about false prophets (Matthew 7:15-20). They may look okay, and even seem to speak well, but they are actually wolves in sheep's clothing.

Don't be fooled by what you see and hear. Investigate further to make sure the facts are true. You don't want to end up with something rotten to the core.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Trudging Through Trials

We all experience trials throughout our days. They're just part of life. We don't like them, especially when they last a long time, but if we are honest with ourselves we will see that we learn a lot from them.

As I was reading my devotions this morning, I came across a Scripture I had underlined some time ago. It was Psalm 105:19, which says, "Until the time came to fulfill His Word, the LORD tested Joseph's character." Depending on one's attitude, you can either look at this verse with frustration or with joy. It is frustrating to realize that our trials have determined lengths: that we will experience difficulties until God has decided we've learned what He has to teach us. It can be joyful as we realize that it is only for a season, and that there is an ultimate purpose behind the struggle that will not only bless us, but will most importantly glorify God.

When I look at the life of Joseph, I see hardships and struggles in the beginning. I also see his faithfulness as he kept his eyes on the LORD. But, most specifically, I see that his perseverance paid off with rewards that were beyond his comprehension when he was experiencing his trials.

So as we trudge along in our hardships, remember that it will not last forever and God has a wonderful plan for you at the end.

Monday, November 2, 2009


I used to love going to the video arcade when I was much younger, long before the days of home entertainment systems. Since I was too young at the time to drive, I would sometimes play the driving games where you would sit in a make-shift car seat and race along a track against computerized players. It was fun zooming around a countryside or through a city, trying to maneuver around other cars. But the problem was that you couldn't see a car coming from behind or alongside until they were right up on you. You weren't given a peripheral view.

Although we often hear the phrase, "Don't look back" in reference to not dwelling on our past, we actually need the opportunity to see where we've been. Knowing our past helps us to see how much we've grown and how far we need to go. We also need to take a look around us to make sure we haven't sidetracked. And, knowing where we are helps us to be thankful for the direction God is taking us (that is, as long as we are asking Him to lead).

Take the time to check your peripherals. It may make you better focused for the long road ahead.

Friday, October 30, 2009

The Trouble with What Ifs

We all get them: those What ifs that fill our thoughts when we have no idea what a particular situation will bring. We start thinking of all sorts of dialogues or resulting actions or consequences. The problem with What Ifs is that we worry...too much. What Ifs overwhelm our thoughts, causing our discernment to malfunction. Most importantly, they keep us from directing our cares and concerns to the One who can actually give us aid: the Lord God Almighty.

It's extremely difficult to get rid of these bothersome thoughts. We are prone to worry. But as we give our situations to the Lord, and constantly remember His wonderful promises to keep us and watch over us and provide for us, we notice that those pesky ponderings aren't consuming us as much. They are still there, but they are often more like wisps of thought instead of loud and boisterous roars.

Being bothered by some persistent What Ifs? Pray to the Lord. Tell Him about your problem(s). Dive into His Word and draw comfort. As you do these things, you will find that "...the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." (Philippians 4:7)

Monday, October 26, 2009

Tickled Ears

Do you go to church to get your ears tickled? There are lots of people who attend Sunday services for two reasons: because it's a habit and because they want to get their ears tickled. They don't go to improve their character. They go to hear a cutesy feel-good message. Or, if the message makes them slightly uncomfortable, they don't put the admonitions to practice or they find another church.

But should we be going to church to be entertained? No. And for those who like their ears tickled, can you honestly say you have a personal relationship with God? Is He your Lord and Savior? If He is not, then perhaps you need to re-evaluate your reason for going to church. Don't be a hypocrite if you aren't truly there to learn about Him. Just stay home.

That may sound harsh, but the reasons to go to church are to fellowship with other believers and to study God's Word. We are to hear and learn about the full counsel of God. We are to see how much He loves us, but we are also supposed to see how our sins separate us from having true fellowship with Him. We are to surrender our lives to our God and Savior so that He can work in and through us.

Tickled ears are fine once in awhile, but we don't grow that way. Try to find a church that will teach you who God really is, so that you may fulfill His purposes in your life.

Friday, October 23, 2009

The Great I Am

What is it that you need? I mean really need? Do you need a sympathetic ear? Do you need someone to give you comfort and strength? Do you need someone to love you unconditionally? Do you need someone who sees potential in you despite your failures? Then you need the Great I Am. Fill in the blank and He can deliver...what you need.

Of course, I'm talking about God Himself. He can meet all your needs. He hears you. He can give you peace. He pours out His love for you in ways beyond human understanding. He can take away your fears. He looks at you and sees the hope of something yet to be. And, most importantly, He forgives you and grants you mercy.

The Bible is full of the evidence of who He is. We can learn more about His character if we read it. You will see how much He desires to love you. You will see how He can supply all your needs.

Call out to the Great I Am. Ask Him to enter your life. He can provide far beyond what you can imagine.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


The delete button can be a blessing or a curse. It can be good to rid your computer of some unwanted text or files. It can be bad when you hit the button accidentally, erasing something that took you hours to write.

Don't you wish that we had a delete button for the mistakes we've made in our lives? It would be nice if everyone could just forget that little incident that caused us embarrassment or that silly prank that turned into a fiasco.

Thankfully, God has a delete button when it comes to our sins. If we repent, the Bible says the Lord is faithful and just to forgive us. It also says that He will remember our sins no more. That means He won't count against us the sins of the past. Of course, we do have to take responsibility for our deeds and pay the consequences that resulted from our actions. But at least those past faux pas won't keep us from entering heaven.

Do you need God to delete your sins? Ask Him to be your Lord and Savior and He can get rid of those bad files in your life.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Crazy Weather

We've been having some crazy weather lately. First we had some rain with a high of 65 degrees. Then, two day later, we had temps reaching 98 degrees. I know Southern California weather can be unpredictable, but this is far beyond the norm. You would think I'd get used to this by now, having lived here all my life. But just like this week, I get my share of surprises.

The trouble with crazy weather is that our bodies don't have a chance to adapt to the extremes. This leaves us susceptible to sore throats and colds. I've been fighting a sore throat for weeks, particularly in the evenings and mornings.

Unpredictable weather reminds me of the unpredictability of life. We never know what the next day will bring. Some days we'll get typical days with little or no problems. Another day may bring a series of trials. We can get our share of extreme conditions that can lead us feeling weary and hopeless.

But thankfully we have a God who has promised to never leave us or forsake us (Deuteronomy 31:6). He will be our shield (Psalm 22:20), and a very present help in our troubles (Psalm 46:1). Romans 8:31 reminds us, "If God is for us, who can be against us?" With all this backup, we should have no problem facing difficult days because we have the support and hope of our God.

Is crazy weather or a crazy life getting you down? Ask God to be your protector and comforter amidst your trials.

Friday, October 16, 2009

As Time Flies

Have you noticed how fast these days are flying by? I mean, wasn't it just Saturday yesterday? Of course, I wonder how much of this has to do with how busy we are. We take on way too many projects or are involved in far too many things, so we have very little rest.

The Bible states that there will come a time when the days will be shorter in order to deal with the trials ahead (see Matthew 24:22). Could this be that time? Perhaps, but even if its not, those days are getting closer. And that means Jesus' return is imminent.

So because these hours are just zooming by, how are you handling your time? Are you in step with your deadlines and obligations, or are you scrambling because you're wasting what little time you have? Maybe in order to stay ahead of the game you need to re-evaluate your schedule and see if there is something you can either delete or postpone temporarily. Then again, maybe you need to work on prioritizing your life.

As the days fly by let's ask the Lord to help us make the best use of them. He gives us the hours; so if we give Him our time, then I'm more than certain He can help us manage it better.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


I find it amazing how a sculptor can take a block of marble and create a masterpiece with only his chisel, mallet, and lots of imagination. In the artist's trained eye he already sees the form and nuances of his creation before he even picks up his tools.

We are like that marble block when we become believers. To the untrained eye we are just a plain piece of stone; but our Master Sculptor, the Lord Almighty, sees wonderful potentials that can only be revealed by force and sharp edges. Bit by bit He removes the outer layers of pride, selfishness, greed, laziness, and other ills. The procedure takes time and causes pain. Often tears are shed. But after much effort the hints of a marvelous work of art begin to appear.

We need to be chiseled by the Lord. His cuts and chips are exact, trimming off precisely what needs to be removed at the proper time. We won't see the full benefits in this lifetime, but the changes are often stunning since it is so different from where we began. Chiseling hurts, but as long as the Lord is doing the work, I know I will come out okay.

Is God trimming off your rough edges? Are His loving cuts causing a few tears in your life? Don't fret. The process won't last forever, but the results will be amazing.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Do You Have the Correct User Name?

I was all set to write a new post for my blog, but when I went to log in, the site wouldn't accept my password. Try as I might, things just weren't working. Finally, after about twenty tries, I realized I was trying to log in with a different user name. No wonder it didn't recognize me.

Heaven is going to be like that. Unless we have a recognizable user name, we're just not going to get in. Even if we know the right password, which is Jesus, the site will remain off limits to us.

Jesus said in Matthew 7:21-23 "Not everyone who says to Me,'Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, 'Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?' And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!'"

People will know Jesus is the way to get to heaven, but unless they accept Him as their Lord and Savior, they will not be recognized as children of the living God. Have you personally taken the time to ask Jesus into your heart to make Him Lord of your life? If you're not sure, do it now. He will only acknowledge those who are truly His.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Planning on Nothing

I'm really looking forward to this weekend. It isn't because I have anything tremendous planned; it's just that this has been a very hectic week driving to and fro, and I want a chance to not have to go anywhere.

And it's perfect timing, too. I finished up two assignments I had this week, so I have no writing obligations whatsoever. Maybe I'll do some free reading. Or maybe I'll take a nap. Whatever I decide to do, I will try to relax and enjoy myself in the midst of it.

What are you planning for the weekend? Whatever it is, enjoy yourself!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Learning Lessons from Lecturing

As a parent I'm constantly answering questions for my children about a whole plethora of subjects. Sometimes my responses come in discourses and lectures because of the nature of the topic.

The other day we were talking about Job and how Satan had to ask God's permission in order to even touch Job. After a bit of discussion, I went on to say, "Isn't it nice knowing that as Christians, nothing can come into our lives without God allowing it for whatever reason?"

Then it hit me. This applied to even the smallest concerns we have. For me this meant that a particular issue I had been struggling with, even though minute compared to other incidents in life, was allowed for a reason. Instead of fighting against it, I had to acknowledge that God put it into my life for His purposes, and that I was to trust Him completely for the outcome.

I will continue answering my children's questions, but it's nice to know that even parents can learn lessons while lecturing.

Monday, October 5, 2009


I was trimming my tomato plants yesterday, trying to cut back some leaves so the stems with the flowers can flourish. As I was snipping one particular branch , I noticed a familiar pattern that I haven't seen in years. It was the green, white, black, and red design of the tomato hornworm.

I used to find them all the time on my neighbor's tomato plants when I was growing up. If I remember right, my sister and I had the job of taking them off the bushes. They were hard to spot because their design and colors camouflaged them against the bright green leaves. But they needed to be removed because left to their own devices, these hornworms would cause serious damage to the tomato plant.

Isn't that much like sin? It is often camouflaged from view, mostly because we don't want it to be exposed. Yet it eats away the protective layers that had been built up by the Holy Spirit to keep our minds and hearts focused on the things of the Lord. If we don't remove the sin, our hearts can soon be hardened, and what once was repulsive will eventually become acceptable.

For the health of my tomato plant, I removed the little camouflaged pest. What is hidden in your life that you know needs to be removed? Ask the Lord to prune your branches so you can be whole and healthy.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Change of Plans

I had my day planned perfectly. I was going to run to the post office and the bank, and then I would head home to work a few hours on a project due next week. But I had an unexpected change of plans. My husband ended up having the day off and, well, there went my day.

I can't really complain. I got to spend a rare morning with him without the kids. I still got my errands done, but the writing will just have to wait. And we did have a very nice lunch together.

We need to be adaptable when a change of plans comes our way. Sometimes it will be a good thing, like yesterday for me. Other times it will challenge our patience. But the more we accept these changes with the knowledge that God allowed our plans to change, the better off we are. We may even be surprised by the results of our day.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Most of my mornings lately have been in front of the computer where Ive been researching information on the internet. I then switch to another screen to work on one of my writing projects. Needless to say, by the time I have to leave to pick up my children from school, I am blurry eyed and tired. Then, once I arrive back home, I continuously yawn because I feel exhausted.

What I really need is some re-energization (if there is such a word). A good 20 minute nap would do me wonders. But I often don't have the opportunity. And when I do, it seems my sleep is constantly filled with the noise of my children arguing with one another or laughing or playing. Then right when I drift off, I am awakened by someone asking me a question that could have waited a bit longer to ask.

Re-energizing physically, though, is much different from re-energizing spiritually. Physically, sleep and rest help. Spiritually, it's the rest that sometimes keeps us in need of re-energizing. What I mean is, when we take a break from studying God's Word, we actually weaken instead of strengthen. When we don't have His Word enriching our lives, we are not blessed with the renewal that comes with reading His love letter to us.

Want true re-energizing? Open God's Word and draw upon its encouragements. Then you will receive a wonderful dose of refreshment.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Sour Pickles

My mom used to tell me about the dill pickles she would buy when she was a kid. They were displayed in big glass jars and the huge pickles were sold for a nickel a piece. I can just imagine her crunching into one of those juicy pickles and then puckering up because of the sour taste.

I'm a pickle lover myself, but I prefer the Kosher dills. The regular dills are just too sour for me.

Sometimes we can have attitudes that make it seem like we're eating sour pickles. Our dispositions reflect our distaste for what we are experiencing. Instead of dealing with our troubles in a positive manner, we make faces and whine.

My personal experience has shown me that having that kind of attitude never helps. In fact, it sometimes makes the situation worse because my mind gets clogged with the problem, not with ways to find a solution.

Are you experiencing sour pickles? Try to make the best of your situation so you can work towards a more productive resolution.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Transistor or Resistor?

I remember the days of transistor radios, where people would walk around listening to the ball game or the top radio tunes or the news on those little 9-volt driven devices. Although they seem antiquated now, transistor radios were major innovations in their day because you could carry it around instead of having to listen indoors to those old radios that needed the tubes to warm up in order to work.

The purpose of the transistor was to amplify the electronic signals. It was a small device, but it did a powerful job moving the information so it could be heard. A Christian is supposed to act like a transistor. He/she is to take the information from the Bible and transmit that hope and inspiration to others. We are small, relatively speaking, but we deliver a powerful message.

Sometimes, though, we become a resistor where we restrict the flow of information. Instead of sharing about the Lord, we hide behind our busyness, our shyness, or our fear. We feel the nudge of the Holy Spirit telling us that we are supposed to speak out, yet we resist Him.

Being a transistor isn't easy. But when we ask the Lord to give us boldness and the discernment to speak up when necessary, then eventually it will become easier.

Are you a transistor or a resistor? Be honest with yourself, and then ask the Lord to move His word through you.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Best Recipe for Life

It has taken me many years to finally make a tasty pot of beans. I have be shown the process by many good cooks, including my own mother, but for some reason I couldn't quite translate the recipe for myself. Maybe because there were no set measurements. Everything was done by eye.
I finally took the tips of a friend of mine, along with a few touches I learned over the years, and came up with a recipe that satisfied the taste buds of me and my family.

Our Christian walk is much like a journey in making a good pot of beans. We can follow by example what others have shown us, but unless we take the time to study the true recipe (in this case, the Lord), we will have very poor results. That's why it's so vital to read the Bible. In it we find direction and encouragements to lead a fruitful life dedicated to serving God Most High.

What are you using to direct your life? Try following God's way. It is the best recipe for your life.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Cultural Faith

Many of us grew up in the religious faith of our parents. Many times that faith was part of a particular cultural group. I am Hispanic and our family were Catholics, which was the tradition passed on through many generations.

But even though I grew up with strong religious ties, I came to realize that my faith in God could not be absorbed by osmosis. It could never be based on the faith of my parents or grandparents or beyond. God will never accept me because of what my parents did or because of their genetic makeup or because I was born into a faith by birth. I can only be accepted in the eyes of God through the personal commitment I make with Him.

I am the one who needs to accept Jesus' death on the cross for the forgiveness of my sins. It is my decision to accept Jesus as my Lord and Savior that will determine if I enter heaven or not. No one else can give me access to God's promise of eternal life.

Do you think you are saved because of the cultural faith you have? God wants a personal relationship with you. Your family crest or family faith doesn't qualify you. Why don't you let the Lord enter your heart so you can enter into heaven?

Friday, September 18, 2009

Comfort Zones

Yesterday I was a guest speaker at a friend's writers' group. It went really well, and although I was a bit nervous, I managed to remember my information (with the help of my index cards) and to complete my talk in a timely manner. I even received a few compliments from some of the beginning writers.

Speaking about writing is part of the process of being a writer. It is not my favorite thing to do in a big group setting, but I know it is a necessity. I have to laugh, though, because public speaking is not one of my comfort zones. I'd much prefer being behind-the-scenes instead of center stage.

But it seems the Lord has some other plans for me. He keeps moving me out of my comfort zones and into settings where I have to totally trust Him for ideas, composure, and peace. I notice that when I put myself into His care, I am more confident, my mind thinks more clearly, and I accomplish far more than I ever could under my own power.

Is the Lord moving you out of your comfort zones? Trust Him completely and be blessed by all He allows you to do.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Scripture for the Day

Here is a verse to reflect on this day.

"You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in You,
Whose thoughts are fixed on You!"

Isaiah 26:3 NLT

Monday, September 14, 2009


Last Friday our church held a special service remembering 9-11. The color guard marched in, we sang patriotic songs, and then we heard from a guest speaker who spoke about the Barbary Coast pirates, and how 9-11 was not a unique situation. It was a very memorable evening.

It is good to remember certain things, such as those who have fallen in the name of freedom, or those special people who are no longer with us. But God doesn't want us to remember everything. It is not healthy to keep dwelling on things that prevent us from moving forward in life. Past sins, old hurts, and bitterness are some of the excess baggage we aren't supposed to carry around.

Isaiah 43:25 says, "I, even I, am He who blots out your transgressions for My own sake; and I will not remember your sins." If God can forgive us and remove our sins, then shouldn't we forgive ourselves, too, and not let those sins drag us down? And, shouldn't we turn around and forgive others for things they've done to us because God has been gracious and merciful enough to forgive us?

It's better to remember what an awesome God we have. We need to recall His sacrifice on the cross for our sins, and that He loves us far above what we can even imagine. Those are priceless gifts worth remembering.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Following Directions

How good are you at following directions? Do you adhere to every detail, or do you bypass minor details? My son came home with a very interesting test the other week. It had about 15 different questions to answer. With a wry smile my son sat his siblings at the kitchen table and gave them the test. My oldest son looked it over, wrote something on the paper, and said he was done, much to the consternation of my daughters as they tried diligently to answer the questions.

Finally, after a good ten minutes, I halted the proceedings. I told my daughters they were done, because, you see, the very first question stated: “Read the entire page before starting.” And the final question stated something like, “Now that you’ve finished reading, answer only the 2nd to the last question.” That was it. You had to read through everything, and then, based on the instructions; write your name in the top right corner. You didn’t have to solve any of the math questions or other problems. My daughters would have known this if they had read and followed the directions.

God has given us a book of instruction that is to guide us throughout our lives. It gives us by word and example the constructive guidelines to live a healthy, productive, and godly life. That instruction book, of course, is the Bible. It is not an outdated, antiquated story book; it is a living and breathing and encouraging set of letters to a dying word from a loving and faithful God, who wants nothing more than to save us from ourselves.

Unfortunately, too many people fail to read the instructions. They want to live life their way, never realizing that they don’t have to work so hard to find the answers. They're all right there in black and white: God loves you and wants you to accept His free gift of salvation so you can live forever with Him. And the way you receive this free gift is by accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.

Why not take the time and read through God's instruction book? You'll find He truly wants to bless you with His love.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Yo-Yo Living

Do you ever feel like a yo-yo? You know, like a Duncan Imperial, that gets flung out and then springs back to you? I felt like that yesterday.

Instead of going out and getting my errands done and then coming home to stay, I ended up going out, coming back, and going out again, multiple times. At one point I went out to pick up my son, only to remember (after waiting a good 20 minutes) that he was staying later to attend a school club. I had to come back home and then head out again an hour later.

I don't like wasting time or energy if I don't have to. I'd prefer sticking to a routine, getting my chores or projects done, and then having some free time to relax or do something less hectic. But life isn't so cut and dry. There are always allowances that have to be made, for one reason or another.

That's why it pays to be flexible. Instead of getting angry about the delay or the altering of plans, I try to make the best of the situation. It's not easy, but it brings a lot more peace of mind.

So when you have those yo-yo days, try to roll with the throw. At least you know you can always start again.

Monday, September 7, 2009

I'm taking the day to rest from my labors. Happy Labor Day!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Playing the Game

My son just bought a new video game. As I watched him play, I noticed he was doing things in an aimless kind of way. Instead of reading the rules and game tips, he plodded along, trying this and that on his own. He did well, but he had more questions than answers.

Personally, I like knowing what I'm doing. I prefer reading beforehand to find out what I'm up against. Maybe that's why I don't mind reading my Bible. It lets me know what God has planned for me. Then I don't feel like I'm wandering aimlessly because I know there are great and wonderful promises waiting to be fulfilled in my life.

How do you function in this game of life? Do you try to figure things out on your own, not knowing what to do or where to go? Find some real answers by reading God's Word. You will receive a wonderful sense of direction.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Reciprocal Friendship

Are you a reciprocal friend? Do you expect your friend to act based on what you do to or for them? For example, you phone your friend a few times a week. Do you expect them to call you back at least a fraction of that amount? Or, do you do nice things for your friend expecting them to return the favor?

Under the world's understanding of a friend, this would be totally acceptable. But as a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, I have learned it is not a good thing to be a reciprocal friend.

We are to do for others out of our love and compassion for God. We are not to expect similar actions in return. It's nice when we get them, but we aren't supposed to get bent out of shape because someone didn't return a phone call as fast as we would have, or even bothered to thank you for something that you helped them with. Our love is to be unconditional; meaning we do without expecting something back for our efforts.

I've been guilty of being a reciprocal friend, but the Lord has shown me through various people in my life that I am in sin when I am expecting others to react to my actions. He has called me to do certain acts of kindness because it shows examples of His love. I am not to feel hurt or resentful towards others when they don't or can't do what I have done. For one thing, I am responsible for my own actions. God will hold me accountable for what I do or do not do. He also will hold accountable things another does or does not do. I'm not to keep record for others. I'm just supposed to follow His leading for me.

Are you expecting too much from others? Are you a reciprocal friend? Ask God to keep you focused on what He would have you do.

Monday, August 31, 2009

A Bold Move

My family and I were eating lunch at a local fast food place yesterday when a man walked in with a one gallon cooler jug. He headed directly to the self-serve drink section and proceeded to fill his jug with ice. Then, without any qualms whatsoever, he boldly walked out the doors, jumped into his car, and drove off. We couldn't believe his audacity.

Earlier we had witnessed someone throwing their soda cup onto the landscaped area of a strip mall. I'm sure if he had bothered he could have found a trash can a few feet away near one of the eating places. But nowadays, people just don't care. They only want to think about themselves and what's convenient for them.

God calls us to be respectful of people's property. He doesn't want us to take what's not ours or throw our garbage everywhere. Unfortunately we can't force a person to obey God; but that person will have to answer to God.

Some may argue, "Oh, it's just a petty little thing. A few ice cubes or a little trash won't hurt anyone." But that isn't so. Theft makes all of us victims because the consumer ends up paying for the loss of products through higher prices. And it costs money to have extra people pick up trash or clean off graffiti from buildings.

In God's eyes sin is sin no matter what the size. And don't think you're off scott-free if you are a Christian. We are held to a higher standard because we have the Holy Spirit convicting us. God will not hold us accountable for the actions of others, but He will call us to account for those things we chose to ignore or those things we chose to do.

We may not be able to stop the lawlessness around us, but we can keep practicing the righteousness that's expected of us by our Lord. Perhaps if others saw enough examples of good, they may think twice before they repeat their actions again.

Friday, August 28, 2009


We've been finding crickets in our house. At first we thought it was the successful jail break from the jar of crickets we keep to feed the pet frog, but then we realized that those others are always accounted for. Our conclusion is that they are sneaking in from either a vent or a crack in the flooring. The only thing we can do is catch them and either add them to the jar or toss them outside.

Even though they can be a nuisance, I'd rather be subjected to them than to an ant infestation or some other disgusting insect. But if they start increasing and getting out of control, then we will have to take measures to eradicate them.

The crickets are a good illustration of sin in our lives. Maybe you have a habit that you partake of occasionally that you know you shouldn't be indulging in. For awhile you have the situation under control. But eventually the sin begins to multiply and instead of one little jumping creature you have dozens that keep popping up. No matter what you do, the problem doesn't lessen; instead it gets much worse.

That's when you call on the one true Exterminator: Jesus. He can eradicate any pesky sin, no matter the size. But you need to ask Him for help, and you need to follow His directions to carry out His perfect plan for you.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Expecting Perfection

You know you are in need of a pedicure when you've layered over the old polish enough times that when it chips, your real toe shines through. So I decided yesterday to take advantage of a summer special at the local salon and get a pedicure.

The last time I was at this particular place the pedicurist did an excellent job. I had spent a leisurely hour getting pampered and my nails looked great. This time I had a new girl, and I was out in thirty minutes. The job looked good, but when I inspected my feet a bit later, I found the big toes were a little bumpy.

Now, unless you bend down and deliberately look at my toes, most people will miss the faux pas. But I know there's a problem. I expected perfection, but got imperfection.

Yet, that is to be expected out of life. We will never attain perfection, no matter how hard we try. We can get pretty close (I've had some great pedicures in the past), but ultimately we will be dealing with human error until we die.

That's why we can never take the credit for getting ourselves into heaven. We are too imperfect. Our sins (and that includes speeding on the highway, telling little white lies, etc.) keep us out. That's why we need Jesus. He is perfect because He is God; and when we accept Him, He covers us with His holiness and we can pass into heaven when we die.

So, don't expect to let your imperfections give you the key to heaven. Turn to Jesus, the Perfect One. Trust in Him, and He will hold the door open for you.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Watching Out for Distractions

As the kids get back into school, and as my morning hours free up a bit, I have to be careful I don't take on too many projects that could lead to a poor use of my time. I have a few deadlines coming up (one this week), so I can't let the temptation of working on some other more interesting projects, or even running a few extra errands, distract me from the tasks I need to get done.

I could use the excuse that I'm still thinking about what to write for my deadline, but then that doesn't get it finished. No, I must first pray for inspiration, take out my note pad and pen, and then begin to work. Thankfully, I'm not normally a procrastinator; but there are times when it's a bit tougher to get started on something I need to do.

How about you? Are you letting too many things distract you from what's important? Pray for guidance, and then get to work. You may be surprised to find just how much you get done, which leaves time for other things later on.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Homework Woes

My high schooler came home the other day inundated with homework. He kept moaning and groaning about how tough his teachers were, and how it was so unfair that they gave him all this work with what little time available to study after school.

I don't think he liked my response. You see, I've been there, done that. I had tough teachers in high school (and college) with piles of work that seemed endless. But I got through because I dug in and persevered.

So, although I can sympathize, I'm not going to baby his responsibility. But I did give him this advice: First, pray. Ask God to change your attitude. The more you complain, the harder it will be regardless of the number of pages or problems. Two, organize your work. Get rid of the easy stuff, then tackle the harder areas. At least you'll feel like you're accomplishing something. Third, come up for air now and again. Taking a short break will help keep you fresh and awake to get the job done. And finally, never pull an all-nighter. Nothing is worth losing your sleep over. A student needs his rest. It's better to get some sleep and then get up early to finish what hasn't been completed. Then you'll be refreshed with, hopefully, better ideas.

I'm hoping to show my son that homework is not the end of the world. It will teach him discipline, organization, and perseverance. I just hope he learns soon.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Sentida Days

Do you ever have those days when you feel extra sensitive? When you feel sorry for yourself for no justifiable reason? Growing up we'd use the expression, "She's sentida today." Sentida (or sentido for a boy) is Spanish for sensitive or touchy. I honestly don't like those feelings.

I'm normally an optimistic person. I know God has blessed me in many areas, and I try to live my life hopeful and positive. But Satan doesn't want us feeling this way. He wants us to feel like no one cares; like we are alone in this great big world with no one to love us. Sometimes it feels like we have to struggle out of the mire of doubt and hopelessness.

That's the perfect time to dive into the Scriptures. The Psalms are an excellent place to restore those hopeful feelings and cast off the lies of the enemy. King David had many trials. There were times when he couldn't see the outcome of the situation and it awakened doubts and fears. But David knew one thing: God loved Him and was faithful. The Lord would carry Him through.

So when you have those sentida or sentido days, turn to the Lord. Read His promises in the Bible, and know that you are loved deeply by the Creator of All.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Taking the Blame

Have you ever been blamed for something you didn't do? It isn't a pleasant feeling, particulary when that action is totally opposite your character. Sometimes, even with all the evidence in your favor, you still receive the blame.

How many times have you blamed God for something that has happened in your life? Maybe you are in the midst of trials, and because you lead a righteous life, you feel you shouldn't be experiencing these troubles. So you blame God. Yet, when you honestly look at the evidence, you'll see that your choices have created the circumstances you now face.

Do you know that when you blame God that you are in sin? God loves you. He wants what's best for you. Sometimes that involves allowing situations to happen that you may not like; but He is more interested in your character than your comfort. Does He cause every circumstance? No. But He does allow things to happen because He has better things planned for you in the days ahead.

Don't blame God for what's happening in your life. Instead, ask the Lord what He would have you learn from this situation. It's much easier to work with Him than work against Him.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Taking Your Temperature

My daughter had her annual physical the other day. I was amazed at the way they took her temperature. Instead of the mercury thermometer I had as a kid, or the ear readers they were using just last year, the new techno-temperature gadget is a device that rolls over your forehead for a few seconds to take a reading. It's quick, easy, and there are no disposable parts. It's a great way to see if one's temperature is normal.

How is your temperature? I'm not talking about the 98.6 degree kind. I'm talking about your temperature with God. Are you cold with disdain and distance? Are you lukewarm with belief but no productivity? Or are you hot because you're on fire for Him?

I know I have been more lukewarm than not. There are times when I'm not as active in my relationship with the Lord as I should be. What I really desire is to be on fire; feverish so-to-speak. I want to feel more comfortable sharing about His love and living more fully for Him. Some days I'm successful; other times I know I need more work. But I also have to realize that God is the One who will give me what I need, in all areas of my life.

James 4:8 says, "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you." The more we seek the Lord and a better relationship with Him, the easier it will be to become feverish for Him. But it is a choice that each person will have to make. The Lord will not force us into a more substantial relationship.

So, how's your temperature?

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Calm in the Storm

Sometimes life catches us by surprise and it seems like we are being tossed about with little or no control. But it is precisely in those moments when God is so in control. He knows our situations and He is prepared to take action. He is our calm in the midst of the storm.

The Bible is full of verses about worry. My favorite is Philippians 4:6-7, "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." What a wonderful comfort!

Trust God in the times of trials. Seek Him in the midst of the storm. He will calm your heart and give you the peace you need.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Blessed Are the Flexible

I like the saying, "Blessed are the flexible, for they shall not break." It speaks to our attitude when we are confronted with situations that are beyond our control. We can either sit down and cry and not function, or we can say, "Okay, how can I make this better," and try to work things out for the best.

Of course, there are certain things we cannot be flexible about. Our faith, for instance, is something we cannot compromise. We must accept God for who He is, and accept His word for what it says. Any straying from this path will lead to watered-down Christianity.

Are you flexible when you need to be, but firm in your faith? Then consider yourself blessed.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Action Speaks

The old saying goes, "Actions speak louder than words." I believe this is especially true when it comes to our devotion to God. If we truly love God, then our actions need to follow. We need to be obedient to His commands. This isn't easy, but it's a must if we call ourselves Christians.

But we may say, "It's too hard to follow God's laws." Yes, it is hard, especially if we try under our own power. God is waiting for us to call upon Him for help. Then He will enable us to complete His purposes.

Are your actions lacking the strength of your words? Call upon God so He can give you what you need to do His will.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Encouraging Words

Words are our means of communicating. I don't agree with those who consider cuss words as an effective way of speaking. To me it interrupts the conversation. If you take away the bad words, there is very little being said.

Therefore, I think we need to be more encouraging with our words. Instead of cutting down, we need to build up. Instead of stepping on, we need to be picking up.

Do you have a hard time being encouraging with your words? Ask God to help you have something beneficial to say.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Transitions are Coming

Summer's almost over for my kids. They have a short summer this year so they can have an early dismissal next year. Two are ready to go back because they miss their friends. Two are apprehensive because they are starting new schools.

Transitions aren't always easy. It's hard getting used to new teachers, new rules, and new classmates. But transitions are a part of life. The sooner we adjust the better.

The best way to adjust is to give your transition to God. Ask Him to calm your fears. Ask Him to bring new friends. Then remember that no matter the situation, He will always be with you. You are never alone when you are a Child of God.

What new circumstance are you not looking forward to? Give it to God and trust Him for the outcome.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Look a Little Deeper

The kids and I joined a family we know for a day at the beach. We had loads of fun enjoying the ocean breezes, the waves, and the beautiful blue skies.

The water was fairly clear, so the kids had fun picking up shells that were being brought to shore by the waves. There were lots of interesting colors, shapes, and sizes, showing the wonderful creativity of the Lord.

Towards the end of our trip, some of the kids and I took a hike towards a cliffy section of the beach. We climbed over some rocks (a very tricky thing when you're barefoot) and got splashed by the pounding surf, but it was worth the effort for the treasure trove we found: a whole cache of even more beautiful shells, that included abalone, mussels, clams, scallops, oyster, and coral. If we hadn't taken the time to go a little further, we wouldn't have been blessed by such a find.

Sometimes we need to look a little deeper in life for the treasures that are hidden from us. We need to get out of our comfort zone and put some effort into finding what God has in store. You may be rewarded with blessings beyond your expectations.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Technical Difficulties

I'm having some internet connection problems, so I will not be posting much in the next few days. Hopefully the issue will be resolved shortly. In the meantime, I'll take this as a reminder that sometimes things don't work out my way for a reason. God is the One in control; not me!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Asking for Inspiration

Writing to most people is a solitary process. It's just you and the word processor. However, when I write, I ask the Lord for inspiration.

Years ago when I knew He was calling me to write, I basically said, "Okay, Lord. I will write. But you have to give me the ideas." And He has always come through. Of course, there are times when I have to wait a little longer for those little hints, but God has never failed me, and I know He never will.

What about you? Are you asking the Lord to give you inspiration for the things you do? Maybe you're a teacher, or in the medical profession, or a lawyer. God can always inspire. We just have to ask.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Into His Hands

As I get older I realize that there are many things in life that I cannot control, especially when it involves other people. In those cases, whether it’s a health concern or seeing the outcome of poor choices, I need to put these people into God’s hands. In His care I can trust the Lord to do all according to His will. He knows what they need or don’t need. He is aware of what circumstances will create a change in heart or health.

God is in the business of people. He cares for each of His creations, even if it means for them to go through trying events in their lives. For us on the sidelines, we need to lift them up in prayer. For it is only when we trust them into the hands of our Lord and King can anything truly beneficial come about.