Monday, December 21, 2009


My kids have been bickering a lot lately. They keep bugging and pestering to the point that I start hearing, "Mom...he's doing this!" or "Mom...she's doing that!" It's enough to drive a mother crazy. And to top it off, they've just begun their Christmas break. UGH!

But then I wonder, isn't that how we are sometimes with our spouses? Aren't there times when we bicker with them, and then call on God saying, "Lord, did you see what he did?" or "Did you see what she did?"

I say enough of the muttering, fighting, and carrying on. We need to develop a mutual respect for one another, even if we don't always get along. We need to be loving; finding ways to show that although we don't always agree with them, they are still significant and special in our lives.

Of course, the sure fire way of doing this is asking the LORD for help. He can inspire the best ideas for dealing peaceably with each other. All we have to do is ask. So if you find yourself doing some bickering, ask God to help you work on a more amiable solution for peace in your household.

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