Monday, November 9, 2009

Does God Hear?

There is so much suffering in this world; so many injustices. People often wonder if God really does hear, or if He even cares.

God not only hears, He understands our sufferings. He watched His Son be beaten and then crucified. He allowed this because of His great love for us. No one else was capable of taking the sins of the world upon Himself but God Himself who came down to earth in human form.

So how does this help in the midst of suffering? By showing us that if God loved us enough to allow His Son to take our punishment for sins past, present, and future, then He will be there to give us hope and strength as we experience whatever trial that comes into our lives. If we turn to Him, call out to Him, and then cling to Him, He will see us through to the end.

Take your sufferings and give it to the Lord, and then see how He shows you His love and touches your life.

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