Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Most of my mornings lately have been in front of the computer where Ive been researching information on the internet. I then switch to another screen to work on one of my writing projects. Needless to say, by the time I have to leave to pick up my children from school, I am blurry eyed and tired. Then, once I arrive back home, I continuously yawn because I feel exhausted.

What I really need is some re-energization (if there is such a word). A good 20 minute nap would do me wonders. But I often don't have the opportunity. And when I do, it seems my sleep is constantly filled with the noise of my children arguing with one another or laughing or playing. Then right when I drift off, I am awakened by someone asking me a question that could have waited a bit longer to ask.

Re-energizing physically, though, is much different from re-energizing spiritually. Physically, sleep and rest help. Spiritually, it's the rest that sometimes keeps us in need of re-energizing. What I mean is, when we take a break from studying God's Word, we actually weaken instead of strengthen. When we don't have His Word enriching our lives, we are not blessed with the renewal that comes with reading His love letter to us.

Want true re-energizing? Open God's Word and draw upon its encouragements. Then you will receive a wonderful dose of refreshment.

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