Monday, February 4, 2008

Growing Up

Last month I wrote how I wake up and start my day reading God's Word. I mentioned that my kids will join me to have a devotional time together. In the past week and a half, something has changed. My oldest son has decided he needs to take his Bible reading seriously. He will awaken when I do and have his own quiet time with God.

My son is starting to grow up. Little by little I see him maturing and trying to be more responsible. I see him wanting to succeed in junior high because he knows his grades and how he learns will affect his chances for a better education in the future. I see him sticking to things he doesn't like (although with some complaints) out of obedience. I see him trying to understand the role God has for him, and I see the zeal he has for things that are right and true.

I have mixed emotions about all this. I know a day will come when he will be out on his own, facing major decisions regarding his life. Will he follow the principles we have taught him? Will he follow God? Will he compromise instead of seeking what God would have him do ? It's a bit scary. The world can be a very crazy place.

On the other hand, I know that my kids aren't truly mine. God has given them temporarily to us to train and to love. My kids are really His kids. I can't hold on to them forever. I can only pray for wisdom to continue their training, for patience when their growing pains cause friction among us, for understanding as they struggle to develop their individuality, and for love that as the Bible says, "...covers a multitude of sins." (1 Peter 4:8)

Thankfully, God doesn't leave us alone as we train up our children. He is eager to give us comfort, support, and advice. We just need to seek Him and to trust Him.


Gloria McQueen Stockstill said...

Catherine, God is good to not leave us to train our children on our own! I know he will continue to guide you as you lead yours into adulthood.


Nancy I. Sanders said...

Wow--did you write this devo for me? It really hit home! Thanks a bunch, Catherine, for sharing what God puts on your heart each day.