Tuesday, February 26, 2008

On Their Behalf

While I was reading through the seventh chapter of Mark the other day, I came across a verse that stood out to me. In Mark 7:32 it says, "Then they brought to Him [Jesus] one who was deaf and had an impediment in his speech, and they begged Him to put His hand on him."

What devotion! This group of people took the time and energy to take this man to Jesus. Then they pleaded with the Lord for healing. I was impressed by both their faith in Jesus' ability to heal, and by their eagerness to intercede on the sick man's behalf.

Can you imagine the patience it must have taken to ask the Lord for a healing? Jesus was usually thronged by huge crowds. The lines to see Him were probably very long. Yet these friends made a special effort to bring this man to Jesus and wait for a cure.

How are you at intercession? Do you lift up the names of your friends, family members, and acquaintances to the Most High God? Do you plead for the healing of someone sick? Do you introduce people to the saving power of Jesus?

If you haven't interceded on the behalf of others, it's never to late to begin. Try praying for someone you know. Ask the Lord to touch their hearts and their lives. Prayer is a powerful tool. Use it to bless those around you.

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