Thursday, February 28, 2008


I don't like feeling dehydrated when I get a cold. No matter how much water or juice I drink, my mouth feels dry and parched. It even becomes difficult to swallow. To top it off, with all the quarts of liquid inside of me, my favorite room of the house becomes the bathroom.

Sometimes fruit will help quench my thirst a bit. Grapes or melon or even strawberries provide much needed moisture. But ultimately I have to keep drinking the liquids and wait for the dehydration to end.

There have been times in my life when I felt spiritually thirsty. My calls out to God seemed dusty and arid. There were no cool springs of water to drink from. My desire for God wasn't quenched. In those moments I knew I had to keep drinking in God's Word. Just like the quarts of liquid I drank when I had a cold, I had to keep consuming the life giving words of the Bible and pray for my drought to end.

Eventually, as with my colds, I do get refreshed. My dry and arid soul fills with the water of His Word. Isaiah 35:6a-7a says, "For waters shall burst forth in the wilderness, and streams in the desert. The parched ground shall become a pool, and the thirsty land springs of water..."

Are you parched? Are you longing for a true thirst quencher? Call out to God in prayer. Seek Him through His Word. The fulfilling springs of God's love will flow into you and revive you anew.


Gloria McQueen Stockstill said...

Catherine, how interesting. God has directed us both to share about his Word on our blogs!
And, like you, I have had those "dry" times. So glad they aren't permanent!!

Nancy I. Sanders said...

What a refreshing challenge to start the day with! Thanks, Catherine, and feel better soon!