Monday, February 25, 2008

Elephant Faith

Are you an elephant in your faith? I’m not talking about some big, bulky pachyderm that forces his views upon others on threat of crushing them. I’m talking about someone who, like an elephant, never forgets.

It's very easy in the midst of life’s busy-ness to forget God’s promises. It’s easy to forget that Jesus said He’d never leave us or forsake us. When stress builds up, it’s hard enough to remember our names let alone that we are to cast our cares on Him who created everything.

As Christians we aren’t promised an easy ride. Jesus told us there would be trials and persecutions. We need to make prayer such a priority and permanent practice in our lives that the moment something happens, whether good or bad, we will automatically shoot up a prayer to the Most High God. We must seek Him who is our refuge.

Daily Bible reading helps ingrain the Truth into our hearts and minds. Such immersion into God’s word brings continual comfort, a peace beyond understanding, and instant access to the wisdom of God. It is hard to forget something that is constantly before you.

Elephants are voracious eaters, spending most of their day foraging for food. They drink large quantities of water, and have been known to dig holes for water lying below the surface. How much more would we be prepared for life’s difficulties and challenges if we spent more time foraging for God’s direction and promises and digging for and drinking in His living water?

Remembering God’s word helps us to stand firm in the days of trouble and to give thanks in the periods of calm. Be like the elephant. Never forget all that God has done and will do in your life.

1 comment:

Gloria McQueen Stockstill said...

Catherine, I can't count the times prayer and Bible study have been the thing that helped me survive a difficult situation. How wonderful that you are reminding us of this wonderful gift.
