Wednesday, May 12, 2010


My son is currently working on an art project for school where an entire 12"x12" sheet of paper needs to be covered with pictures. There can be no white spots at all. The project has to be completely saturated. It has taken him a lot of time, and a lot of colored pencils, to get it done.

The final picture is impressive. But it is very crowded because of the requirements of the piece. I couldn't imagine living in that world where every inch is filled with something bumping into me all the time. I like a little space. Yet, when I think about it, our lives are saturated with worldly ideas that can be harmful to us if we aren't careful. We need a little space from the world; and that comes with our faith.

God is our buffer zone, protecting us from the outside world that threatens to infiltrate the safe havens that the Lord's peace brings us. If we ignore our fellowship with the Lord, then our defenses are weakened. If we take the time to read God's Word, pray, and worship, then we can only grow stronger in our faith, which allows us to ward off the ideologies that threaten to crowd us in.

Are you living in an overly saturated world? Try spending some time with the Lord. He'll give you that free space you need.

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