Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Kindly Remove Your Hat

In the days of silent cinema, placards were used not only for dialogue within the motion picture, but also as a reminder of proper etiquette and courtesy for those within the theater. One placard read, "Ladies, Kindly Remove Your Hats." The style for fashionable ladies in those days were big hats, sometimes with lots of feathers and fluff. They blocked the view of anyone sitting behind them.

I thought about this in terms of our relationship with God. Sometimes we block God, not from seeing because of course He's Omniscient and sees everything, but from leading us in the direction we should go. We stand in His way and say, "Okay, God...lead!" Yet we are not stepping aside so we can follow. We need to take off our hats of headship and independence, and step out and step back so that we can follow the Lord completely.

It's not always easy to do so. Sometimes we've built ourselves some pretty big headgear, thinking we are much more than we are. But it is absolutely necessary for us to remove any resistance to God's guidance if we truly want Him to be the Director of our paths.

So, to gentlemen and to ladies everywhere, kindly remove your hats!

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