Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Ignoring the Warning Signs

Last week I sprained my ankle coming down my walkway. I heard a nice little pop as my foot twisted. There was immediate pain, but thankfully it didn't last long, and the swelling was minor.

This past Sunday, though, my ankle was throbbing. I wondered if I hadn't pampered it enough during the week, so I did a crash course in ankle care: elevating the foot, soaking in warm water and epsom salts, and wrapping with an elastic bandage. The swelling went away, the bruise stayed, and so did the pain. I decided yesterday morning I needed to see a doctor to rule out any possible bone fracture that such an injury could create.

I took a trip to urgent care and got x-rays and an exam. The good news is that my bones are fine. The bad news is that my pain will probably last for another month. I'm not really looking forward to that. But I do have to be thankful that I took the time to follow up on the warning signs my body was given me. If there had been a fracture, and I had ignored the pain, I could have done worse damage to my foot.

God gives us warning signs. He loves us so much that He wants us to follow His rules, not because He is a cruel dictator; but because He knows exactly what is good and healthy for us and He wants us to enjoy the life He has given us to the fullest.

Is God given you warning signs? Don't ignore them. Obey Him so you can be blessed.

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