Friday, January 16, 2009


One corner in our city has been in transformation for the last few months. We have been watching, in great anticipation on the part of my kids, for the completion of our new Taco Bell.

It has been interesting watching the progress these many days. First, the ground was raised and packed down. The foundation was poured and the frame was set up. Walls were added and plaster was applied. Inside electrical and plumbing were being installed, along with all the fixtures. Outside, paint and stonework were added. Soon the recognizable logos were attached to the building.

The past two weeks the driveways and parking areas have been under construction. They have even laid out a very nice brick pattern on the entryways. Now the landscaping is taking shape, with the grass put in just yesterday. Everything is taking shape. Soon the doors will be open for business.

Wouldn’t it be nice if our transformation allowed us not to be open for business until we were complete? Unfortunately, we are a work in progress. We have to remain active on a daily basis, accepting the small nuances of change. It is a slow and sometimes painful process. But it is necessary because only our hearts are transformed immediately when we accept Jesus into them. Our characters need a lot more time to refine.

Transformation of character takes time. Don’t be impatient for the process. The results will be worth the wait.

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