Friday, January 30, 2009


We had a very windy day yesterday. In some nearby areas the winds were over 30 mph. I happened to be in one particular blustery spot getting some gas, and I had to literally take a step backwards because of several strong blasts.

When the gusts blow like this, it's pretty difficult to walk . You are constantly battling that invisible force that wants to push you in a direction you do not want to go. Sometimes we are personally challenged by the invisible forces of self-doubt and discouragement. Instead of looking at life optimistically, we are buffeted by thoughts that attempt to side track us from living a fruitful Christian life.

In the real world we have to wait for the winds to subside in order to walk without hinderance. In the spiritual world we need to call on the One who rebuked the wild winds on the Galilee when He said, "Peace, be still! (Mark 4:39)" If we trust Him and constantly call out to Him, He will calm our hearts and minds, allowing us to continue forward with a firm footing.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Lord's Leading

The prophet Jonah was distinctly told by God to go to the pagan people of Nineveh and preach to them. He refused, not necessarily by words, but by his actions. He didn't want them to receive God's grace and mercy. They were a wicked and ruthless people, and Jonah wanted them to pay for the troubles they had caused. Instead of following the Lord's leading, he ran away.

But Jonah's disobedience led to consequences: a trading ship lost its cargo and the crew could have died. Jonah skin would have been severely altered because of the stomach acids he sat in for three days in the belly of the fish. Situations would have been different if Jonah had just obeyed the Lord's directions and submitted to His will.

There are times when we absolutely know what God wants us to do. We feel Him tugging at our hearts or we know He's trying to address a particular issue in our lives. We have a choice to either obey or turn in another direction, knowing full well that there will be consequences for that choice. My advice: Follow the Lord's leading. It will bring more positive and productive results.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Taking a Break

My son has been working on a school book report for the last few weeks and he's finally in crunch mode since it's due this Friday. He got a bit nervous over the weekend, since he couldn't seem to understand the last two points he needed to answer. He even got a bit teary-eyed. I told him to take a break.

Sometimes we are too close to a situation that we can't think or see clearly. Everything is swirling around in our thoughts, and although we know that the answer is within easy reach, we can't quite seem to grasp it. So we need to take a break. We need to step away for a bit and do something that will distract our minds so the solution will be easier to see when we look at our situation once again.

Are you looking at something too hard? Take a break so you can see things anew.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Superhero Syndrome

“It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s Super (Fill in your name) !”

Do you have Superhero Syndrome? It’s easy to recognize. You want to jump in and handle all the crises of your friends and loved ones without hesitation. It’s a noble attitude, but it may not be what we’re supposed to do.

God doesn’t want us helping everyone with every situation. There are some things that He wants to do; some lessons that a friend or family member must go through on their own to learn they need to rely on the Lord for their ultimate help. Does that mean we aren’t supposed to extend a hand? No, but if we step in without asking God if we’re supposed to act, then we can be out of line with God’s plan. We could be hindering His work.

We are called to love our neighbor as ourselves (Matthew 22:39). But if God is directing us to step back so He can step in, then we can best show our true love by entrusting them to the One who loves far more than we will ever be capable of.

Let God be the Superhero. Perhaps He’ll allow us to be a trusty sidekick when the proper time comes.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Fast Food Friendship

Fast food has permeated the lives of many Americans. Because of our busy lifestyles, it is more convenient to drive thru and pick up our meals instead of spending time fixing our food ourselves. We are so used to quick, easy, and immediate access that we sometimes pass this ideology onto other things in our lives, including friendships.

We want fast responses to our questions. We want others to immediately understand what makes us tick. We want the ease of camaraderie in a moments worth of time. And that may happen with some friends. But any good and long lasting relationship takes time to develop.

We may have a quick attraction to another’s personality, but only after in depth conversations and a willingness to understand and engage one another can we honestly develop a true and deep friendship.

Don’t try to fast food your friends. Take the time to get to know them. I have found in my life that it is well worth the time and effort.

Monday, January 19, 2009

There is No One Like You

Do you know you are unique? There is no other person in the entire world who is just like you, with the same hair color, habits, eye color, and personality.

Do you know what makes you unique? You are designed by God. He did it because He loves you. He chose you specifically to be the exact person you are now, knowing that you have the potential to be so much more.

I don't know about you, but I feel that if God took so much trouble to mold and shape me and to take the time to put life into my body, then I need to realize I am someone special. I am a child of the Most High. I cannot let personal discouragements, or bad days, or the taunting of others get me down. I am of value because God loves me.

So next time you get the blues, remember that you are special in God's eyes. There is no one else like you. Aren't you glad?!

Friday, January 16, 2009


One corner in our city has been in transformation for the last few months. We have been watching, in great anticipation on the part of my kids, for the completion of our new Taco Bell.

It has been interesting watching the progress these many days. First, the ground was raised and packed down. The foundation was poured and the frame was set up. Walls were added and plaster was applied. Inside electrical and plumbing were being installed, along with all the fixtures. Outside, paint and stonework were added. Soon the recognizable logos were attached to the building.

The past two weeks the driveways and parking areas have been under construction. They have even laid out a very nice brick pattern on the entryways. Now the landscaping is taking shape, with the grass put in just yesterday. Everything is taking shape. Soon the doors will be open for business.

Wouldn’t it be nice if our transformation allowed us not to be open for business until we were complete? Unfortunately, we are a work in progress. We have to remain active on a daily basis, accepting the small nuances of change. It is a slow and sometimes painful process. But it is necessary because only our hearts are transformed immediately when we accept Jesus into them. Our characters need a lot more time to refine.

Transformation of character takes time. Don’t be impatient for the process. The results will be worth the wait.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Through Him Alone

When I answered the knock on the door the other day, I never expected to get into a debate about religion. Two ladies had come to invite me to their Bible study at a nearby church, which would have been nice normally, but after a few minutes into the conversation, I felt on the defensive. We were supposed to be fellow believers, yet they were pushing an issue that I felt was strictly un-Biblical. They wanted me to agree that it was Jesus' sacrifice on the cross and baptism that saved a person and allowed them to go to Heaven.

The more I tried to explain the Biblical viewpoint, the more adamant they were to convince me I was wrong. However, the Bible is not wrong. The thief on the cross didn't have to come down and be baptized. Jesus told him, "Today you will be with me in paradise."

Baptism is an outward expression of an inward conversion. You have to accept the finished work of Jesus' sacrifice on the cross in order to be saved. Nothing else works. Ephesians 2:8-9 states, "For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast." Baptism is a work. It is not our savior.

The tension with the ladies was escalating. They were not listening at all. I decided to end the conversation. One lady said, "So we aren't going to agree?" I shook my head. "No." How could I agree to something that was so against God's Word? It will never be Jesus and... It's only Jesus who saves.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Keep Encouraging

Are you an encourager? Do you encourage others to keep trying, even when things aren't going their way?

Encouraging is a wonderful ministry because we all need our spirits lifted up at some time or another. However, for all the energy we exert to bolster others, it is rare to receive the same amount in return.

I find that in times when I need to be lifted up, especially after giving of myself to others for long periods of time, I turn to the Lord in prayer. I ask Him to encourage me with His word. Then I open my Bible and read. There have been many times when a Scripture will leap off the page and bring me hope and refreshment and renewal. One recent verse that the Lord gave me was from Psalm 94:19, "When doubts filled my mind, your comfort gave me renewed hope and cheer."

Encouragers need encouragement, too. If you find yourself needing some strengthening, seek help from the Lord. He is our source and our refuge. He is waiting to lift you up.

Friday, January 9, 2009


We’ve all heard about couples, after many years of marriage, recommitting themselves to one another in a renewal of their vows. We’ve also heard of people who have walked away from God only to return down the road to recommit themselves to Christ. Recommitment is a great way to say how serious we are in wanting a relationship to continue.

But recommitments aren’t only for long lasting marriages and backsliding believers. I think every Christian needs to reevaluate their relationship with the Lord every once in a while to check if he/she is on track with Him.

Have you ever tried to use a compass while on a hike? You set your bearing, then you look off in the distance straight ahead of you to find a landmark that is easily identifiable. You walk in that direction until you hit that particular spot. But what if you set your bearing and the land has many dips and hills ahead of you? You can easily lose sight of your landmark. That is when you need to reorient yourself, checking your compass to make sure you are heading in the right direction.

As Christians life can easily cause us to lose sight of our landmark. The Holy Spirit is our compass, showing us the right direction to head. But unless we recommit ourselves to following the right landmark (meaning following Jesus), we can end up wandering away from the close relationship we once had with the Lord.

Take the time to make sure you’re following the right path. Recommit yourself to following after Jesus.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The Importance of Remembrance

My Bible reading the other day was about Noah and the flood. What a horrific event that must have been to live through! Torrential rains, being tossed about on the waves, people and animals in fear, and probably thoughts of, "Is this ever going to end?" And then, when the rain did stop, there was no sign of any land or landmark since the waters covered the highest mountains by over 22 feet.

I would have been frightened. I would have needed a whole lot of trust in that situation. The Bible doesn't tell us that Noah knew what was going to happen after the flood. It just mentions that God told him there would be a flood that would wipe out the entire population of the earth.

For 150 days Noah, his family, and the animals were floating about, not having any idea what their future held. The Scriptures even seem to imply that God was silent during that time. But then there is a sign of hope. Genesis 8:1 says, "But God remembered Noah and all the animals in the boat." What a wonderful Scripture of hope! In the midst of trials and seemingly aimlessness, God was still at work. He hadn't left the scene even though He hadn't been "heard."

That chapter goes on to say that God sent a wind to blow across the waters so the waters could recede. The ark then came to rest on Mount Ararat. It would still be many days before Noah could leave the ark and begin a new life in a semi-new world, but what a wonderful testimony of God's faithfulness to watch over those He loves.

Do your trials make you feel that you are being tossed to and fro with no sign of hope? Wait on the Lord. Trust Him completely. He does remember you!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Out With the Old, In With the New

This blog was one of my goals for 2008. I had wanted to start an inspirational blog to share with others hope and encouragements. Lord willing I have accomplished some of that. It's amazing that a year has already passed!

As I took last week off to get some rest and re-evaluate old goals and contemplate new ones for 2009, I realized that I had been pushing myself too much. Although I enjoy writing this blog, I was on a too strict schedule. Toward the end of the year, I was more blog writing than career writing. I was getting a bit burnt out.

So, I'm going to cut back a bit. I will write at least 3 times a week, which will allow me time to be inspired by the Lord and still have time to comfortably work on deadlines and writing goals. I'm looking forward to what God has planned for 2009!