Friday, October 24, 2008

A Nudge for November

Do you plan to vote this November? Do you think it matters? Every vote counts, especially in a representative government like we have. WE have a say; and WE have a responsibility to speak for the future of our children. Will they have the freedoms we share now, or will it slowly be stripped away because people refused or neglected to vote when they had the chance?

Does one vote matter? Absolutely! There have been several examples in our nation’s history where one vote determined the outcome of federal elections. The winners owed their victory to one person who chose not to sit by the sidelines, but to participate in the civic process of choosing his representatives.

As a Christian our vote counts even more because we are responsible for speaking up for righteousness. When we choose leaders that will protect our family and freedoms, or when we vote on propositions that uphold life and liberty, we are taking a stand for Godly values and principles. If a Christian will not speak up and speak out for what is right and true, then who truly will?

Your vote can make a difference, but you have to get out and vote!

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