Tuesday, July 1, 2008


It’s important to stay connected with family and friends, but with everyone’s busy schedules, it’s not always easy.

One of the things I like to do is send a quick e-mail to those I haven’t seen in awhile, telling them “Hi,” and that I’m thinking about them. It tells them that even though we haven’t seen or spoken to one another lately, there are still important to me.

Sometimes I will send out an e-card, although I prefer snail mail cards if I’ve been able to get to the stationery store. While not as personal a regular cards, e-cards can be just as cute, especially when funny characters are animated. Again, it’s the reaching out that matters, letting them know they are on my mind.

Phone calls are good, but it’s often tough to reach others. I will sometimes leave an encouraging message on a friend’s cell phone, letting her know I’m praying for her day. I also add for her to give me a call when she has some time. Messages are a great way to send encouragements to people with full schedules, since it gives them much needed support without taking up a lot of their time.

With the amazing technological advances we have, there is no excuse for staying in touch with others. Reach out today and touch the heart of someone you care about.

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