Thursday, July 31, 2008

Ears to Hear

How's your hearing when it comes to your friends? Do you sit and listen to what they have to tell you, or do you interrupt so you can be heard?

Sometimes a friend has something to share that is weighing heavy on the heart. Advice may not be sought; she just wants to be heard. When we interrupt or push our ideas upon someone who needs to talk, we are being inconsiderate and uncaring.

The Bible tells us in Galatians 6:2 (NLT), "Share each other's troubles and problems, and in this way obey the law of Christ." Sometimes this sharing calls for good listening. If a friend is burdened, we must give them our time and energy.

The ears were designed by God to listen. Use your ears to hear the heart of a friend.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Have you wondered how much energy we expend diffusing misperceptions? Someone interprets an action one way, and we have to go about explaining the whys and wherewithalls of the misunderstanding.

I've been on both ends of misperceptions. I've been the person hurt, and I've been the one receiving the angry accusations because of the misunderstanding of my actions. Neither end is very fun. Both leave you feeling emotionally and often spiritually drained.

So why do misperceptions happen? Reflecting on my past experiences, I noticed a few patterns:

1) We assume the other person knows what we're thinking. If we've known the person for a long period, we take it for granted that they will know our feelings or thoughts about a situation. Often they were thinking the exact opposite, and had no clue we were feeling a particular way.

2) We are super sensitive. We think we should have been included in an activity and our feelings get hurt when we find out through the grapevine that we weren't. I've realized that I can't be invited to everything, and I shouldn't be thinking I need to be. And, in many cases, the person I'm accusing was limited by time, money, or circumstances where I couldn't have been invited anyway.

3) We think too highly of ourselves. We assume we deserve special treatment and are upset when we're not; and then we justify our anger. The Bible says in Romans 12:3 that a person is "...not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think..." When we do, we get hurt or into trouble.

4) We don't communicate. There was a time when I was bothered by something I thought someone did. Because I did not communicate with the person right away, the problem escalated in my head, and led to a pretty bad confrontation. I could have solved the problem if I had chosen to speak about my concerns right away.

The best way to minimize misperceptions (because frankly, in a fallen world, I doubt we can totally eliminate them), is to give the problem to God. Sound too easy? I assure you, it is not. Giving a misperception to God means you give Him the pain and the hurt, along with the selfishness you feel about the situation. It means accepting that God may show that you are at fault and not the other person. It may mean that you may have to swallow your pride and accept that a person may never understand your frustration because to them the circumstance was meaningless.

Time is the best healing salve for misperceptions. When you give the problem to God, He will, over time, heal the pain and anger, and he will change your heart. He can even show you how to address a person you may have hurt as well.

Are you dealing with a misperception? Ask God to help you see the situation for what it really is, and then allow Him to bring healing in its proper time.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Blessed Vision

Have you thanked God for your eyes? Although all our body members are necessary, I think we often take our eyes for granted. We need them to drive, comb our hair, and see facial expressions when speaking to others. They are crucial when watching young children and making sure dinner is cooked to perfection.

Our eyes warn us of danger and keep us from stumbling as we move about. They allow us to see the observable manifestations of God in the skies, the land, and the seas. Without them we cannot admire a dramatic sunset or catch the first smile of a child. There is so much to see in this visible world.

As a writer I would be at a loss if my eyes did not function properly. I already use glasses for reading and distance, and as I get older I notice my eyesight grows weaker. Although I can think creatively, the ideas flow more easily if I “see” the words as they are being written down. My eyes are truly a blessing.

Do you appreciate the eyes that the Lord has given you? Make sure you thank Him for His most visible gift.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Don't Worry; Be Trusting

It started with cereal boxes, then candy bars, and now ice cream cartons. Packaged products are shrinking, although the prices are expanding. Even our own dollar does not have the same buying power it once did. It makes it difficult to forecast how to save for the future when, if the trend follows the current pattern, the money we put aside now will be worth far less tomorrow.

Cries of recession are being reported by the media, although I still see plenty of people purchasing large items at Costco and Best Buy. I wonder if they are using their credit cards, increasing their debt by leaps and bounds. Even our own national debt is beyond comprehension.

If my trust was in the economy, the global situation, and/or my bank account, I would be tempted to feel a bit panicky. All those things would make anyone a little nervous. But my trust is not in this world. My trust is in God, the creator of heaven and earth. He is never surprised by the fluctuating stock market or the ever-rising fuel costs. He knows who will win the presidential election in November and how that will affect the lives of all Americans.

The Bible contains many promises of provision for those who believe in God. Here are a few of my favorites:

Psalm 33:18-19: “Behold, the eye of the LORD is on those who fear Him, on those who hope in His mercy, to deliver their soul from death, and to keep them alive in famine.”

Psalm 37:18-19: “Day by day the LORD takes care of the innocent, and they will receive a reward that lasts forever. They will survive through hard times; even in famine they will have more than enough.”

Psalm 50:15: “Trust me in your times of trouble, and I will rescue you, and you will give me glory.”

Numbers 11:23: “Then the LORD said to Moses, ‘Is there any limit to my power? Now you will see whether or not my word comes true!’”

God is omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent, and all loving. Put your trust in the One who is capable of watching over you in the bad as well as the good.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Weekend Reflection

"The heavens tell of the glory of God.
The skies display his marvelous craftsmanship."
Psalm 19:1 NLT

Friday, July 25, 2008


I received a phone call this morning from my husband. Although already an hour into his work day, he hadn't been able to start his project. Yes, he was on the job site; but when he had driven up, attempting to park in a sandy spot, he got stuck. And he was stuck good.

He had spent a very frustrating hour trying to figure out what to do. He even prayed, wondering what he was supposed to learn from his morning trial. Eventually he was able to ask the contractor on the site for some help, and a forklift was driven over to literally scoop him up. A very upsetting hour was fixed in less than five minutes. Thankfully there doesn't seem to be any damage to the car, either.

Life can bring situations that are totally unexpected. Our normal routine suddenly becomes unstable, leaving us stuck and desiring something solid under our feet. Circumstances we didn't anticipate can leave us feeling helpless and frustrated.

It's nice to know that in all our situations, God is with us. We may not see Him. We obviously don't know how things will be resolved. But nothing surprises the Lord. He is in the midst, working out all things for His good and His glory for those who call upon His name.

One day you, too, will find yourself stuck in something beyond your control and comprehension. Remember, you are not alone. God is with you. He is the solid rock you can also stand on.

Thursday, July 24, 2008


Last week at the beach I forgot to put sunscreen on my back. I had been so busy trying to get the kids smothered with the stuff that I only remembered to do my arms and legs. It wasn't until I got home and went to take a shower that I noticed the area around my shoulder blades was intensely red.

I had a doctor's appointment the next day to remove a spot on my back. Because of my burn (which caused the doctor to give me a lecture on the benefits of sunscreen and the differences between UV-A and UV-B), the spot could not be removed. The area was too inflamed for the procedure, so I had to settle for a punch biopsy. I don't know what hurt me the worst for the next few days: the soreness from poking a hole in my skin, or the ache from my burnt flesh.

The coloring on my back is still a bit off. It has not yet settled into a tan. But I am peeling, and there is no more pain.

Much of my discomfort could have been avoided. If I had remembered to cover myself with the sunscreen, I would have been in much better shape. I would not have had any sunburn, and the spot on my back would be gone. Now I have to wait for the results of the biopsy to see if I have to go back and get the spot completely removed.

Reading our Bible is like putting on sunscreen. The wisdom and knowledge we gather from God's word is like a spiritual coating that protects and strengthens us through the power of the Holy Spirit. His word gives us discernment that keeps us from getting severely burnt from the lies of this fallen world.

Next time I go to the beach I will make sure I cover myself with sunscreen. Will you spiritually protect yourself by covering up with God's word?

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Broken Promises

We've all been frustrated by broken promises: calls that never are returned; projects that were supposed to be worked on; appointments that were supposed to be kept; relationships that were supposed to last. Anger, resentment, disappointment, and tears have been the results in many of these situations.

Sometimes these promises should never have been given. A person may have fooled himself into thinking he could handle all that was required. In other cases circumstances beyond one's control affected the keeping of a commitment. And in some situations the recipient was expecting too much.

I know I can easily get frustrated when a promise has not been kept. I had something happen the other day that got my temperature boiling. But when I took my frustration to the Lord, I had the sudden realization that I had no right to complain. Although I have tried very hard to keep my word, I have failed people, too. Most importantly, though, I realized that I have broken several promises to God. He has more right to complain about me than I have to murmur and grumble about someone else.

Thankfully God is forgiving. When we realize our mistakes and ask forgiveness, He forgives completely. Isaiah 43:25 say, "'I, even I, am He who blots out your transgressions for My own sake; and I will not remember your sins.'"

God wants us to do the same with those who hurt us. He wants us to have a forgiving heart. He wants us to blot out the sins of others and to love them. Yes, there are times when we should not accept the promises of those who continually fail at their commitments. We are to have discernment with those whose word cannot be trusted. But in regular situations, we must take our hurt to the Lord, ask Him to relieve our anger and frustration, and then we are to forgive.

Unfortunately broken promises are part of this fallen world. But we don't have to let the fallout affect us permanently. Turn the circumstance over to the Lord, and then forgive. You'll be amazed at the healing God will bring.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Speeding Ticket

I was driving along a strip of road in the industrial area of the city, my destination long forgotten now. I’m sure I had been listening to the radio. It was a total surprise to hear the short warning siren and then see the flashing lights from the police motorcycle in my rear view mirror. I had been speeding, and I hadn’t even realized it.

The traffic was non-existent on the street that afternoon since it was a weekend. I believe I had only exceeded the limit by five miles. I don’t remember having seen a posted sign, but that didn’t matter. I was guilty because I had broken the law, and my actions caused me to get my very first moving violation. An all day traffic school session allowed me to remove that offense from my driving record; otherwise I would have had to pay a steep fine.

God wrote His natural laws on our hearts. Whether we are conscious of having broken these laws or not, we are still accountable for our actions. We are responsible for sins of commission as well as sins of omission. We are guilty and there is a hefty price to pay, our eternal future.

Thankfully the price of our sins has been paid in full. When we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, our transgressions are wiped off ours record. His death on the cross gave us a new life. The door to heaven is now open, not because of anything we did, but because of what Jesus did for us. We no longer have the condemnation of our actions hanging over our heads.

Does this mean we’re free to go on sinning because God’s sacrifice and grace will keep covering our sins? No. We are called to be Holy because God is Holy. We are to daily deny ourselves, take up our cross, and follow Jesus.

Sin should become as distasteful as a first speeding ticket, something you don’t ever want to repeat again.

Monday, July 21, 2008

All Sizes, Shapes, and Styles

My family and I visited one of our local theme parks yesterday, and at one point I took the time to rest on a bench while the others went on a few rides. I hadn't meant to "people watch," but I couldn't help notice all the varieties of visitors. Everyone was unique, from the color and style of hair to the choice of clothing and accessories.

Some walked, strolled, drooped, skipped, and ran. Kids laughed, cried, giggled, and smiled. Parents scolded, encouraged, comforted, and lugged. I saw tennis shoes, sandals, loafers, and even slippers. People wore shorts, pants, t-shirts, capris, skirts, tank tops, swimming trunks, and jeans.

What mostly caught my eye were the different faces: long, pudgy, square, round. Big, small, or hidden ears. Square, curved, or double chins. Distinguished, Roman, stubby, and flat noses. Curly, straight, short, long, dark, light, and streaked hair.

I could not help but marvel at God's creativity. He hand designed each passerbyer, making them as one-of-a-kind as their fingerprints. Like a portrait painter, God took a blank canvas and made color, texture, and dimension blend into an unique individual.

I wonder how many of those visitors realize just how special they are. Do they know the God who formed them and knew them in their mothers' wombs? Do they know He loves them beyond comprehension? I pray that if they don't know this, that God will so overwhelm them with His love that they can't help but find out who He is.

"I will praise You,
for I am fearfully and wonderfully made..."
Psalm 139:14a

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Weekend Reflection

"O LORD, the earth is full of your unfailing love;
teach me your principles."
Psalm 119:64 NLT

Friday, July 18, 2008

Unexpected Inspiration

I am currently working on a big writing project: a proposal for a non-fiction book for middle graders. The subject matter is intense, but I had prayed and the Lord opened up this particular topic for me to work on.

It's easy to let the enormity of the situation get the better of me, so I've been praying for the Lord's peace and for His leading in my presentation, structure, etc. Sometimes inspiration comes in surprising ways.

I had been perusing my copy of William J. Federer's America's God and Country: Encyclopedia of Quotations, looking for some historical quotes I could use. I stumbled across an entry for George Washington Carver and began to read even though he had nothing to do with my subject matter.

This was part of his excerpt: "God is going to reveal to us things He never revealed before if we put our hands in His. No books ever go into my laboratory. The thing I am to do and the way of doing it are revealed to me. I never have to grope for methods. The method is revealed to me the moment I am inspired to create something new. Without God to draw aside the curtain I would be helpless."

What an inspiration! What a reminder! God has always given me the ideas, and as I pray, the methods, as well. I just need to keep reminding myself of that since God will give me all that I need.

It's easy to let our fears fill our head with doubt. Let God remove the fears and fill your heart and mind with His wisdom, His knowledge, and His peace.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Wipe Out

The kids and I took off to the beach with my friend and her three children yesterday. All the kids were so eager to play around the water, that they took off seconds after we picked our spot and set out the towels.

Of course, I promptly called mine back to get a proper dose of sunscreen. My oldest daughter was the last to return, and when she did, she was sopping wet. Apparently, she had a wipe out. She had been so busy looking at everything around her that she didn't see the big wave that hit her and knocked her down. It took her under the water and tossed her about for a few seconds before she gained her footing once again.

Isn't that just like life as a believer? Often we are minding our business and looking at the world around us, and we fail to see the big object looming behind that knocks us off our feet and into the water. We should have been prepared. We should have kept our eyes focused on the task in front of us instead of looking at everything else. But the devil likes to blindside us. He likes to distract us so he can attack sight unseen.

We can try to be vigilant and watchful, but that does not guarantee we will be attack-free. However, if we are in God's Word and seeking Him daily, we will have an easier time detecting areas open for attack. We will also be able to get back on our feet a lot faster when we do get hit.

Don't let a wipe out keep you down. God's Word is our solid ground. Stand on its truths for a firm foundation that will keep you from stumbling when crisis hits.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Wise Relaxation

This week is by far less hectic than last. I have been able to accomplish much, and it's only Wednesday! I need to take advantage of this freer schedule while I have the chance. No telling what next week will bring.

It's far too easy to relax and ignore things that we know we should do when we have a bit more breathing space in our busy lives. But, unfortunately, there are certain things that I need to get done, such as going to the library to pick up new research materials, or opening up that thick text book to look for additional points that will help make my book proposal sing.

We do need to relax, but if we manage our time wisely, we can work in resting time among our other activities. And don't forget to pray. God has an amazing way to help organize our time if we give Him our day first.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

In All Your Ways

My favorite verse from the Bible is Proverbs 3:5-6, which says,

"Trust in the LORD with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He shall direct your paths."

I love this verse because, in a nutshell, it's a pillar of hope for the Christian. When we look to God and trust Him, no matter how crazy our circumstances may seem, and we recognize Him in everything we do, then He will show us the way to go.

Too often our situation looms in front of us like a giant. The Israelites had thought this very thing when they were supposed to enter the Promised Land the first time. The twelve spies sent out to scope out the land only saw the giants who lived there. They failed to look at the Giant of a God who had just performed many miracles to deliver them out of the bonds of slavery in Egypt.

Nowadays our situations could be as diverse as a lost job or an unexpected illness. Maybe you were one of those who lost a home in the mortgage crisis. Perhaps your bank had to shut its doors, making you lose most of your life's savings. Whatever the circumstance, you are not alone. God is waiting to direct you if you will only acknowledge Who He is and if you will trust Him completely with your life.

The Israelites chose not to trust God and they had to wander and die in the desert for their lack of faith. Only their descendants (along with Joshua and Caleb, who were the only two spies who trusted God) were allowed to enter the Promised Land.

Don't let life's obstacles keep you from the blessings God has intended for you. Believe in Him. Trust Him. Follow Him. You will never be disappointed when you place yourself in the hands of God.

Monday, July 14, 2008

There's No Place Like Home

My mother has been on vacation for the past two and a half weeks visiting relatives in New Mexico. When I spoke to her the other day, she was ready to come home. Although she enjoys seeing her family members, a three week vacation is a long time to be away. She longs for her own bed and her own comforts of home.

As believers, the earth is not our home. Unlike my mother who can’t wait to get back to her own house and the things familiar to her, we have never been to our heavenly home. Yet the longing that there is something wonderful waiting for us is heavy on our hearts.

Jesus said in John 14:2, “‘In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.’” What a marvelous place that will be! The God of the Universe is specifically preparing a place for me and all those who believe in Jesus.

I am longing for my heavenly mansion, but until then I must remain faithful to the calling God has for me here on earth. One day, though, it will be nice to say, “There’s no place like home!”

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Weekend Reflection

"Good and upright is the LORD;
Therefore He teaches sinners in the way.
The humble He guides in justice,
And the humble He teaches His way."
Psalm 25:8-9

Friday, July 11, 2008

A Much Needed Rest

The busy week working and taking kids to and from Vacation Bible School finally got to me yesterday afternoon. I had such an overwhelming feeling of exhaustion that I just had to take a nap. I lay down for a good hour, sinking into a deep and restless sleep. It took awhile to wake up, but when I did I felt so much better. The rest did me good.

In our society we push and push and push ourselves. We think we are the Energizer Bunny, going and going even though we know we need a break. Some of that exhaustion comes from handling too many tasks at once. Often we assume extra responsibilities which cause stress to our bodies. Eventually that stress affects our health in one way or another.

Rest is important, but we often don’t allow for it until we’re forced to lie down because we’re worn out or sick. If Jesus took time away from His busy schedule here on earth to rest, then don’t you think we need to take a breather once in awhile, too?

Follow Christ’s example to rest. It will be better for your body and it will refresh your spirit, too.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Real Reality

There is a new reality show on TV. Basically it’s a lie detector test where the contestant is asked deep personal questions about family and friends, some of whom are on the show along with them. If the participant gets the questions right, she gets money.

What’s sad about the show is the obvious lack of concern for the feelings of the person the question is posed about. Questions like, “Did you ever have seconds thoughts about marrying your husband?” when the husband is sitting there, or “Did you go out with your best friend’s boyfriend?” when the friend is listening, are some of the tamer queries.

Are people so shallow and callous that they don’t care if they hurt another in order to
win? What about the relationships that are damaged because of the truth? Yes, the show is about being honest, but this brutal honesty is about hurting others in order to satisfy greed. There are more tactful ways to dispense the truth, but the producers are most likely looking for the shock factor of it all.

One lesson we can all learn from such a program is that it is better not to have engaged in this improper behavior to begin with. If these discretions had not been committed, then this show would not exist. But righteous living doesn’t sell a show; there is no profit in the commercial world for godly conduct.

In God’s view, however, we need to live Holy for He is Holy. As believers we need to keep our commitments to our spouses, we need to respect one another in word and deed, we need to refrain from seeking after what is not our own, and we need to love one another. This is the true reality show, because one day we will have to stand before God and answer for what we have done in and with our lives.

Be a living model to others. For as Christians, our name says it all: we are to be Christ-like.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Child-like Praise

Because of my film background, I joined the media ministry of my church several years ago. I am one of the camera operators who video records church services and events. Since we are currently in the middle of our Vacation Bible School, I have the privilege of working among the thousand plus kids who have come for a week of fun and Bible learning.

I especially enjoy taping the worship services. We have a youth band that plays lively worship songs that the kids sing and dance to with great enthusiasm. Kids sing loud and some even sing off key. They don’t care how they sound. They just want to worship.

The band also plays a quieter song where the kids can pour their hearts out to the Lord. I have even seen little first graders closing their eyes and raising their hands in worship. Too bad many of us adults don’t have that child-like faith when it comes to praising God in song. Yes, we may raise our hands for a song or two, but we don’t carry the same zeal as a young child who doesn’t care if his neighbor is lifting up his hands or singing out of tune.

We need to put aside our inhibitions and worship the Lord with a complete heart. We need to copy the enthusiasm of a child and sing loud and long. It is God, the King of king and Lord of lords, who we are singing to, not the person sitting next to us. God doesn’t care if we have perfect pitch. He looks at our heart and the fervor we have for Him.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Cheap Imitations

Children are not often patient for something they want. In my case, my daughter has been asking for a pedicure, but our schedule has been too full to allow that to happen. The other day was no exception.

Our morning had been busy with Vacation Bible School. When we came home, I settled into working on my deadline for a craft project that was due at the end of the week. She thought it was the perfect time for a pedicure. I, in the midst of cutting Velcro strips and used greeting cards, thought otherwise. She hung around for awhile, playing with my scrap materials while watching my progress. Then she disappeared into the other room.

Less than half an hour later she came striding in, showing off her new creation. She had taken the thin leftover Velcro pieces and placed them on the top of her toes. In the dim light of the room her feet looked as if she had a French pedicure.

I had to smile at her creativity. A person can be pretty innovative when there is a need or a want. But in this case, it was a cheap imitation. No matter how cute her toes looked with the Velcro on, it still wasn’t a true pedicure.

People often make cheap imitations of God. They mold Him and shape Him into their image of fairness and freedoms. They think His rules are too strict, never considering that, like a good and loving parent, He wants us to be safe, healthy and well in mind, soul, and body. But like any cheap imitation, a false god will not last and has no power to help us.

Stop looking for poor substitutes. Seek after the true God of the Universe. He is exactly what you are looking for and He is everything that you need!

Monday, July 7, 2008

A Fitting Frustration

My boys are growing taller. They need new jeans, but it has been very frustrating trying to find pants with the proper fit. No longer does my local store carry the same slim fit style we’ve purchased in the past. Now they carry carpenter and cargo jeans with a loose or relaxed fit.

Both of my boys are very slender. They don’t like baggy pants, and I won’t let them wear them either (I can’t stand seeing boys with pants ready to fall off any second). On Sunday, as we journeyed from store to store at the mall trying to find the elusive fit, I was amazed at how few selections there were for boys. Each store seemed to carry the same loose-fitting styles. Who said kids are the trend setters? The stores only sell certain items, so essentially you get what’s available.

But I didn’t want to settle. There had to be a decent pair somewhere. We finally found some at the Levi Outlet store of all places. Of course, we had to spend a pretty penny, but at least they fit; and they look good, too. The only problem is they only fit my oldest son. They are too big for my other son, so the hunt for him continues.

Sometimes we have to search diligently for the things we are looking for. The Bible is full of wonderful words and promises that are just what we need. Stop being frustrated by circumstances that are the wrong size and style for your life. Look into God’s Word to find the wisdom and inspiration that are the perfect fit for you!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Weekend Reflection

"I will lie down in peace and sleep,
for you alone, O LORD,
will keep me safe."
Psalm 4:8 NLT

Friday, July 4, 2008

True Celebrations

How will you be celebrating the 4th today? Will you barbeque burgers and hot dogs with family and friends? Will you have a red, white, and blue dessert? Will you watch the firework shows? Whatever you do, remember there is a true reason to celebrate: freedom.

Here in America we take much for granted. We can worship as we choose; we can vote for our leaders, both local and national; we are innocent until proven guilty; and we have a right to speak out. Yes, our freedoms are being slowly squelched, but we still have them.

Back in 1776 the early Americans were tired of being oppressed by their monarchial government. After serious consideration, including several attempts to state their grievances to the King, they finally decided to separate from England. On July 4, 1776 those 27 grievances were agreed upon by the majority of delegates of the Continental Congress in written form which we know today as the Declaration of Independence. The colonists would no longer be under the rule of King George III. They would rule themselves.

No other country has the freedoms we possess. We are still the longest lasting constitutional government. Even with our problems we still have much to be thankful for.

So today as you chomp on those chips and sink your teeth into your barbeque, thank God for His blessings upon this land. And as you thank Him, ask Him to forgive us from straying away from the principles that our forefathers fought so hard to secure for us. Ask Him to help us turn back to Him, so that we can become a nation where we can truly celebrate our freedoms as they were intended over 230 years ago.

Thursday, July 3, 2008


When the sky is very bright I often get bad headaches. For some reason my eyes get extra sensitive to the light, making my head start to pound. If it gets bad I have to lay down, putting pressure on the sensitive area of my forehead in order to dull the pain.

Yesterday I felt such a headache coming on. I tried to head it off by taking aspirin. The kids wanted to go to an early movie, so I thought if I took medicine beforehand I’d be fine. Wrong. By the end of the movie I was feeling pretty bad. I barely had enough energy to get the kids in the car, make a quick trip through a drive-thru for some lunch, and then get home where I immediately went to bed. It took a good hour and a half after that for me to feel better.

There is not much I can do when the pain hits. Taking aspirin and then laying down and sleeping help a lot, but I pretty much have to endure the pain, especially when the aspirin doesn’t kick in for quite awhile. I know some people who get cluster headaches and very severe migraines. Their pain is far worse than mine.

Trials are like bad headaches. You don’t always know when they’re going to hit, but when they do, and you’re in the midst of the pain, there is often not a whole lot you can do to make the ache go away. Thankfully there is a remedy for trials that works more effectively than aspirin does for headaches. It is Jesus. He told us in John 16:33b, “‘In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.’”

Life isn’t easy. There will be difficult times. But Jesus will be with us in the midst. With Him we can overcome anything.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Fountain of Fun

As I was strolling with a friend through a new shopping area one summer evening, we saw a group of kids having fun and getting soaked in the floor fountain in the center of the courtyard. A large area had been set aside where streams of water shot up into the air in time to music. Kids of all ages ran in and out of the water, laughing and even screaming with joy.

We sat down to watch. One little boy was having the time of his life, even though he kept having to pull up his soggy shorts. Another little girl, probably two years old, had no problem leaving her mom and dad to get drenched. Even the older kids were having a blast as they raced from one spout to the other, waiting for the water to come popping up into their faces.

I asked my friend if she ever wanted to be that young again, especially when there were fun times like these to experience. She paused to think, and then shook her head. She said she has more enjoyment watching her kids share such fun moments. She would rather enjoy those times with them than to re-experience them on her own.

Although her answer surprised me, she was absolutely right. Watching our children grow and laugh and enjoy life is more rewarding than the fun times we individually had growing up. We’ve been there, done that. It’s now their time to share in the joys and blessings God has granted to them.

Children are a blessing from the Lord. Watching them experience the life God has granted them can bring us much pleasure, too.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


It’s important to stay connected with family and friends, but with everyone’s busy schedules, it’s not always easy.

One of the things I like to do is send a quick e-mail to those I haven’t seen in awhile, telling them “Hi,” and that I’m thinking about them. It tells them that even though we haven’t seen or spoken to one another lately, there are still important to me.

Sometimes I will send out an e-card, although I prefer snail mail cards if I’ve been able to get to the stationery store. While not as personal a regular cards, e-cards can be just as cute, especially when funny characters are animated. Again, it’s the reaching out that matters, letting them know they are on my mind.

Phone calls are good, but it’s often tough to reach others. I will sometimes leave an encouraging message on a friend’s cell phone, letting her know I’m praying for her day. I also add for her to give me a call when she has some time. Messages are a great way to send encouragements to people with full schedules, since it gives them much needed support without taking up a lot of their time.

With the amazing technological advances we have, there is no excuse for staying in touch with others. Reach out today and touch the heart of someone you care about.