Friday, March 14, 2008


The signs are out now. First it was SLOW and CONSTRUCTION AHEAD. We even had ROAD CLOSED. Now it's DETOUR. I will be glad when this construction is over.

I don't like detours. They take me away from my destination, and I usually end up in some area I'm not familiar with. I also take longer to get to where I'm going, something I usually didn't plan on when I started out.

So why take them? If I don't follow the detour, I have to turn back and not go where I had planned. If I try to go around by a different direction, I may have to keep backtracking because the road I want is blocked off further ahead.

Detours are supposed to be for my good. They keep me from unsafe byways. I am spared flat tires, tweaked suspensions, and worn out shocks. My life may even be spared by not falling into a hole.

God uses detours in our lives. He knows the dangers the road up ahead will bring, so He may sidetrack us to go in another direction. He may veer us elsewhere so we can see a different view or take on an adventure we would not have experienced otherwise.

Have you been noticing a lot of detours in your life lately? Trust God's navigation and take the side road He has planned for you.


Gloria McQueen Stockstill said...

I know I sometimes find the detours God puts in my path frustrating but I thank him for sending me on a safe path! Thanks for reminding us of the advantage of detours!

Nancy I. Sanders said...

This is so encouraging to remember how God plans our detours very carefully! And he even posts signs along the way.