Thursday, January 31, 2008

Curve Balls

I'm not a huge sports fan, but every once in awhile I enjoy a good baseball game. I like going with my family to the ballpark where we proudly sing the National Anthem, eat hot dogs, munch on peanuts, yell "Hey, batter, batter! Swing!" and stand up for the 7th Inning Stretch. I also like the CRACK of the baseball bat as it makes contact with the ball, sending that leather globe out to the stands where eager fans (like my kids and I) are waiting to catch it.

I like to take the binoculars along so I can watch everything up close. It's fun to observe the pitcher and the catcher, working the signals to figure out the best pitch to strike the batter out. Sometimes the pitcher will throw a curve ball. The batter is expecting the ball to come right across the plate, but at the last moment, and often in the midst of the swing, the ball will go down and across, causing the umpire to yell, "Strike!" Many great ball players have struck out on curve balls, particularly because the change in direction was so unexpected.

Life has many curve balls. Our days are going along great, then suddenly a friend is sick, or someone lost his job, or there has been an accident. It is in those curve ball moments that our faith is truly tested. We are challenged to hold onto the promises of God, but sometimes the pain and the tears are more than we can bear.

Jesus experienced sorrow and pain when He was here on earth. He understands our fears and frustrations far more than we can imagine. He will not abandon us in our moments of need, even in those times when we don't "feel" His presence.

Deuteronomy 31:6 says, "Be strong and of good courage, do not fear or be afraid of them; for the LORD your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you."

What a comfort it is know that God is with us and will not leave us, especially in the midst of our sorrows.


Gloria McQueen Stockstill said...

Catherine, so true!
I have had many curveballs in my life but God has always been faithful to get me through the situations!

Anonymous said...

You are a wonder. I am witness to how you live your life and face those curveballs. Never alone. Always with true faith in God. You are a blessing in my life.

Love you,
