God made our bodies with some amazing abilities, one of which is its warning system. When something is not working right, or a part of our body has been hurt, we experience pain. Teeth are a perfect example.
For over a month I had been receiving some warning signs when I would bite certain foods on the right side of my mouth. I didn’t think much about it at first, because the pain would be sporadic, but when it didn’t go away, I decided to see my dentist.
By the time my appointment came along (the dentist was on vacation), my gums were feeling sore. Upon examination, she found that I had one molar with a small fracture. Since I wasn’t having consistent pain on the tooth, she decided to have a wait and see approach. My gums needed to heal, and she wanted to rule out that my gums were initiating false pains.
Two weeks went by. The pain was now more constant, even when I drank water at room temperature. I returned to the dentist again, and now I have a temporary crown.
As I write this my mouth is extremely numb from the anesthesia, and I will probably start hurting in a few hours from the stress of the shots in my jaw and the intense drilling on my tooth. But this uncomfortable feeling far outweighs the pain I would have felt if I had ignored the warnings signs and waited for my tooth to completely crack.
God not only gives us physical warning signs, He especially warns us spiritually. If you are doing things that are against God’s Word, He will definitely send warning signs in a variety of ways: through a sermon you hear, through the comments of a family member, through someone else’s experiences, through an illness that grabs your attention, just to name a few. He warns us because of His great love for us. He knows what’s best, and He sees the path of destruction we’re heading down if we don’t turn back and follow Him.
It’s important to listen to the warning signs. Taking care of the problem could be a little painful and cause some irritations, but in the long run, you will find comfort and healing because you have placed yourself into the hands of God.