Saturday, August 30, 2008

Weekend Reflection

"Come to Me, all you who labor
and are heavy laden,
and I will give you rest."
Matthew 11:28 NKJV

Friday, August 29, 2008

An Interruption

Hissssss! The sound jumped out at me as I got out of my car yesterday afternoon. I had just returned from picking up my son from school, and I was dropping him off before I had to turn around and pick up my other three from their school.

But the persistent noise caused me to glance at my front tire and notice a huge bolt sticking out of the treads. Great! I knew if I didn’t act soon, I’d have a flat tire on my hands and three kids stranded at school.

I called my husband and we decided I would first try to replace the escaping air by using the compressor in the garage; then I would drive to Costco to plug the hole. Noticing that my time was short, I hurriedly filled the tire (although more seemed to be coming out than going in). Then, grabbing my son, we headed to Costco.

Thankfully, the tire center wasn’t very busy, but I would still have to wait beyond the dismal time of the elementary school. I decided to walk to the school (about a mile away), pick up the kids, and head back to retrieve the car.

Attitudes are funny. Some people grumble and moan; others take things in stride; and still others relish the challenge a situation brings. I had every conceivable emotion before me when I picked up the kids. One moaned and complained. Another thought it was fun. Another thought she needed to use the bathroom. And finally, one said, “I have an extra water bottle and some food if we need it!”

Life will always throw curve balls. Something will eventually come along at some time or another that will interrupt our routine. I’m trying to show my children that it’s better to deal with the situation the best way we can. Complaining will only make us feel worse and keep us from thinking of positive ways to deal with the problem. I really enjoyed the attitude of my one son who said he had plenty of supplies to help us along the way.

We can’t prevent certain circumstances from happening, but we can take charge of how we deal with them. Try to be hopeful and helpful instead of hopeless and harried.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

A Scripture for the School Year

God’s Word is amazing. It contains instruction, direction, hope, encouragement, admonitions, and reflections that are meant to influence our lives for God’s glory.

As I was reading my One Year Bible the other day, a Scripture seemed to jump out at me that essentially encapsulated my thoughts for my children for this school year. I was so excited by its message, that I called the kids together and read the following from 1 Corinthians 16:13-14:

“Be on guard. Stand true to what you believe. Be courageous. Be strong. And everything you do must be done with love.”

How applicable! In school they will not have the protection of their family around them. They will have to stand on the principles we have instilled into their lives since they were born. They should not be afraid since God is always with them and they can draw strength from Him. There will be times when they won’t be able to speak about Christ as openly as at home and at church, but they can show others about Christ through their love of others.

Looking for inspiration for your school year? Look into God’s Word. It is filled with nuggets of wisdom that will be a blessing to you and your children.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Warning Signs

God made our bodies with some amazing abilities, one of which is its warning system. When something is not working right, or a part of our body has been hurt, we experience pain. Teeth are a perfect example.

For over a month I had been receiving some warning signs when I would bite certain foods on the right side of my mouth. I didn’t think much about it at first, because the pain would be sporadic, but when it didn’t go away, I decided to see my dentist.

By the time my appointment came along (the dentist was on vacation), my gums were feeling sore. Upon examination, she found that I had one molar with a small fracture. Since I wasn’t having consistent pain on the tooth, she decided to have a wait and see approach. My gums needed to heal, and she wanted to rule out that my gums were initiating false pains.

Two weeks went by. The pain was now more constant, even when I drank water at room temperature. I returned to the dentist again, and now I have a temporary crown.

As I write this my mouth is extremely numb from the anesthesia, and I will probably start hurting in a few hours from the stress of the shots in my jaw and the intense drilling on my tooth. But this uncomfortable feeling far outweighs the pain I would have felt if I had ignored the warnings signs and waited for my tooth to completely crack.

God not only gives us physical warning signs, He especially warns us spiritually. If you are doing things that are against God’s Word, He will definitely send warning signs in a variety of ways: through a sermon you hear, through the comments of a family member, through someone else’s experiences, through an illness that grabs your attention, just to name a few. He warns us because of His great love for us. He knows what’s best, and He sees the path of destruction we’re heading down if we don’t turn back and follow Him.

It’s important to listen to the warning signs. Taking care of the problem could be a little painful and cause some irritations, but in the long run, you will find comfort and healing because you have placed yourself into the hands of God.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Better Than a Book Bag

Ever since the kids were little we have made it a habit to pray in the car before we head out of our driveway. As the kids started their first day of school this week, I prayed aloud for their safety, for their influence in the school, for fellow students, for the teachers and staff, and for God’s blessings upon their day.

I especially prayed that they realize that no matter what supplies they pile into their book bags (and a few of them had brand new ones this year), there is something much better they can take to school. They can always take Jesus with them.

Jesus is their source of strength. He is available every minute of the day for comfort and guidance. He will never leave them or forsake them, even if they find themselves in the most precarious of situations.

And Jesus is easy to pack, too. Sometimes book bags get cramped, making it difficult to find even the simplest of things. Jesus tucks Himself securely into one’s heart, with no fuss or mess.

Make sure your children have Jesus conveniently packed. He is a must for every school day, and He is so much better than a book bag!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Last Minute Prep

Today is the first day of school for the kids in our district. Last night, after a nice long day at a theme park, we spent some time taking care of last minute preparations. Bookbags were set out and packed with paper and freshly sharpened pencils. Clothes were doubled checked for wrinkles and placed neatly over a chair or desk with shoes and socks nearby. Lunches were made. Snacks were discussed. Showers were taken. Everything was made ready so we could be all set to go first thing this morning.

It's good to prepare and plan ahead. It prevents struggling to find things in the morning and feeling rushed as you're trying to get out the door. It saves time and energy. And it's a good lesson to teach the kids not to wait until the last minute to do things.

The Bible gives us several illustrations about being ready for Christ's return. Matthew 24:42 states, "'Watch therefore, for you do not know what hour your Lord is coming.'" Since we do not know when He will return, shouldn't that be more of an encouragement to be ready just in case it's today?

Don't look at preparing ahead as a bother. It's a good habit to develop, both for this world and the next. Are you ready for today?

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Weekend Reflection

"Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do,
do all to the glory of God."
1 Corinthians 10:31 NKJ

Friday, August 22, 2008

The Narrow Path

It's easy to step out of the narrow path. Just ask those track and field athletes in the Olympics who were disqualified for stepping out of their lanes. Even though their feet were out by the smallest measure, their chances for any type of award were eliminated.

How did this happen? They had years of training. They knew the rules. This was not a first time run, but the most important competition of their lives.

Perhaps it was the heat of the moment; the anxiousness and excitement and glamour that the Olympics bring. Maybe it was the adrenalin overflowing. Whatever the reason, the runners missed their chances for success.

We have a narrow path to walk as Christians. They are many distractions in the world that can keep our eyes off the prize of eternal life with God: prestige; possessions; self-centeredness; greed; anything that interrupts our walk with the Lord. Stepping off the narrow path can make us stumble; it can lead us to follow different paths.

God is a God of second chances. If we sidestep, He calls us back. If we stumble, He helps us up. However, if we take too many steps away, it's harder to hear His voice. We can end up lost, not knowing where we are going and unable to hear His call.

Staying on the path is a must if we want to attain our reward. We need to ask the Lord to help us focus on our task and to help make our steps sure and steady. If we are diligent, we will succeed, and we will have the greatest prize of all: hearing God say, "Well done, good and faithful servant."

Thursday, August 21, 2008


I can’t believe it. I’m missing socks! Not just any socks; my low cut ones that I wear with my tennis shoes when I’m wearing shorts. I’ve only found one pair when I used to have several. Where did they go? I wish I could answer that question. I could really use those socks.

You would think that taking items directly to the wash, washing, then drying them, would result in having said items at the end, right? Wrong? My socks are gone!

No matter how careful we are, we will inevitably misplace something. Sometimes it will be accidental; other times because of circumstances beyond our control.

Thankfully, we are never misplaced by God. He knows exactly where we are physically as well as spiritually. He makes every effort to get us back on track with Him, giving us precisely what we need to realize we are missing.

Are you missing something? Is it a personal relationship with the Lord? Ask Him into your heart so you can get back in place. In the meantime, I’m out to buy some socks!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Back to Business

School starts next week for the kids. We’ve done all our clothes shopping. The school supplies have been bought and, in my daughters’ cases, packed inside their backpacks. They are ready for the beginning of a new school year. But am I?

Since the kids have been home for the summer, I’ve had to work my writing schedule around swimming lessons, field trips, and errands with the kids. I’ve settled into an easier writing routine, taking full advantage of my laptop since the kids have gravitated to my other computer.

Now with them returning to a full day of school, I have to retrain myself into an actual sit-down-in-the-morning-and-work-diligently-because-I-only-have-a-few-hours-before-I-have-to-pick-them-up schedule. I hope the transition doesn’t take long.

Getting back into a routine takes work and dedication. You have to toss aside new habits and reinstate old ones. I know it will be tough at first, but settling into a normal writing schedule will be the best thing for me. Time to dust off the productivity I put aside back in June and get to work!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


I love mornings. I love waking up with the promise of a fresh day ahead. Sleeping in has never been for me. In fact, sleeping past seven is late.

I have always favored mornings. When I was a kid, I would wake up at six wanting to watch cartoons. My parents loved the day I was able to turn the TV on for myself!

Maybe my love for mornings is why I like Lamentations 3:22-23, "Through the LORD's mercies we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness."

We don't have to feel so down when we make mistakes. God is ready and willing to forgive us. He wants to take our slate and wipe it clean.

Why don't you let God give you a new morning? You will then be blessed with a brand new day.

Monday, August 18, 2008


I spent several hours yesterday trying to figure out why I was getting a whole slew of popup ads on my computer. Every time I opened up my browser, ads would show up where they never had before. I even pay extra for my mail account so this won't happen, but apparently something wasn't working.

The big problem was that some of the ads were very inappropriate for a household with children. Even I was embarrassed by a few of them. This was definitely a problem I needed to solve, and fast! I ended up adding a new spyware program to my browser (even though I had another spyware installed), and that seems to be doing the trick.

It's easy to be compromised in this fast paced world. No matter how secure we think we are, there are so many opportunities for bad and unwanted material to enter our lives. Even with the best defenses it's not easy to keep out every bad thing.

The Bible, though, gives us some help. It encourages us to renew our minds (Romans 12:2). It tells us to put on the armor of God so we that we "...may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand (Ephesians 6:13)." And it exhorts us to think of things that are true, just, pure, lovely and of good report (Philippians 4:8).

The world will keep throwing things at us, but we are not in this fight alone. God provided His Word to encourage, comfort, shelter, and guide us. Seek His wisdom. It's the best anti-spyware around!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Weekend Reflection

"The righteous face many troubles,
but the LORD rescues them from each and every one."
Psalm 34:19 NLT

Friday, August 15, 2008

Looking Forward

Can you believe I was actually looking forward to the dentist yesterday? One of my teeth had been giving me some trouble for a few weeks, and the discomfort in the last few days had escalated. I was very thankful to be sitting in that chair!

I sought the dentist because there was a problem that I knew only she could solve. Efforts on my part to floss extra well and to gargle with salt water had failed, so I had to seek professional advice. Thankfully the problem wasn't involved (or overly expensive). A few touches of the drill to smooth down the surface of some teeth that had been banging each other was the solution. Now I just have to wait a few days for the sore gums to get better.

Do we look forward to Christ's return as eagerly as a patient with a sore mouth? As I was sitting in the chair waiting to be seen, I couldn't help but think that despite how painful this world is becoming, there are many who try to numb the pain instead of looking for the hope that is found in Jesus.

Christ has taken so long (in our opinions, although God is the one who sets the time) in returning that many have grown complacent and lazy. Instead of living for Him, they endure the moral decay that has come upon this world thinking that it will get better in time. Unfortunately, like a bad tooth, matters will only get worse.

I want to be eager for Christ to come back. I want to welcome Him with an open heart. Corruption, lack of respect, immoral behavior, greed, and a host of other conditions wear us all down. We need deliverance from this pain, and it will only truly come when Christ returns. He is the salve that will heal.

Until then, we can keep hoping that each morning will be the day He calls us home. As long as we have hope, we can long endure. It is when we lack hope that our personal world will truly fall apart.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

A Day at the Beach

The kids and I spent the day at the beach yesterday. School starts very soon, and with a busy calendar up until then, we figured this was the best time for our last summer beach trip.

The kids ran to the water right away while I set up our spot. While they looked for shells, built sand castles, and floundered in the waves, I sat researching my current project. I thought it was going to be difficult concentrating on a historical set of essays with the sounds of the surf, the kids calling out to one another, and the “neighbors” talking, but I ended up getting several pages read and some notes jotted down.

There is just something peaceful about the beach. Maybe it’s the rhythmic beat of the waves or the slight whistle of the wind. Maybe it’s watching a stream of pelicans moving northward or eyeing a sailboat in the distance slowing making its way towards the horizon. Whatever it is, I had a very relaxing time, and the kids had loads of fun.

Summer will be over soon, but at least we can thank God for some enjoyable and memorable days.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Ultra Clean

I washed my dining room curtains today. My husband was replacing some window shades, so I used this as a perfect opportunity to wash the lace curtains. I used hot water and bleach and a good detergent with the hope that the dingy coloring would be replaced by an almost new looking shine.

Boy, was I disappointed. They didn’t even look as if they had been washed at all! All my efforts had failed. New lace curtains will be on the top of my home improvement list real soon.

Trying to cover up our sins is like washing dingy and stubborn stained curtains. No matter what we try, the results are unsatisfactory. We can never get that clean look back again.

Only God can cleanse us completely. He can take our sins and make them as white as snow (Isaiah 1:18), removing the stain from our lives. Jesus’ death on the cross made this possible. However, we have to ask Him into our hearts so the cleansing process can take effect.

Don’t be like discolored curtains that you have washed and washed all over again in your own efforts, only never to be clean. Ask the Lord to heal you and make you ultra clean.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


As I’ve been watching the Summer Olympics in Beijing, one thought keeps crossing my mind. These athletes have spent years training, hoping, and preparing for this competition. What happens when it’s over? For those who have been fortunate to win, there may be the promise of multi-million dollar endorsement contracts, opportunities to set up their own training facilities, and/or a chance to be a sports commentator at a future Olympic or World Championship event.

But what about those who lose? They put their dreams to win, to bring prestige to themselves and to their country, above all else. Their identities are locked into their abilities to achieve. What have they to look forward to when their hopes come crashing down in that split second it takes for someone else to be victorious?

That’s why it’s so important to remember we live in a temporal world. Things here will fail, fade, and fall away. If we put all our hopes into this world, we will be crushed at some point by defeat since this world can’t possibly meet all of our expectations. We will find it difficult to rise above our heartbreaks because we lack a purpose for tomorrow.

As a Christian our hope is not in today. It is in Christ who promises us eternity with Him. And since our hope is for tomorrow, we should be praying for thoughts and dreams that align more with God’s will than our own. Then when our goals fail here on earth, we will be reminded that a glorious future awaits us.

Don’t get caught up in the temporary. Look for the eternal that far outshines any medals, rewards, or prestige we will ever attain in this world.

Monday, August 11, 2008

What Will It Take?

What will it take for you to be right with God? I’m not talking to the non-believer here. I’m talking to those of you who profess to be Christians.

We live in a secular world, yet we aren’t of this world. But how many of us, like Lot’s wife, have our hearts wrapped up in this world? We serve false idols of possessions, self-indulgences, and/or pleasures. Instead of putting God first, we think of our own needs. Instead of being obedient to His Word, we twist it into our own interpretations. When God says no, we say, “Oh, He couldn’t have meant that,” when, if we are truly honest, we know that’s exactly what He means.

Are we going to be like Lot’s wife and turn back towards our old lifestyle before Christ and yearn for pleasures that last momentarily? If we do, we will suffer the consequences of our disobedience, however God chooses to discipline us. For Lot’s wife, it was being changed into a pillar of salt.

Are we willing to lose our fellowship with God? The more we are disobedient, the more we wander from His will. The more we wander, the less we hear from Him, until the lines of communication are severed.

I’m not willing to risk that. I need daily to examine my heart and see if things are right between Him and me. I need to be completely honest with my relationship with Him, and if there is even the slightest hindrance to my Christian walk, then I need to ask the Lord to forgive me and to help me get back on the right path.

What will it take for you to be right with God? Only you can answer that question. I pray that you will want to.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Weekend Reflection

"But as for me, I will come into Your house
in the multitude of Your mercy;
In fear of You I will worship
toward your holy temple."
Psalm 5:7 NKJ

Friday, August 8, 2008


Since today is Friday, I couldn’t help think of the abbreviation, TGIF for Thank God It’s Friday. But as I thought about that very popular definition, I realized there was a much better phrase: Thank God I’m Forgiven.

When Adam and Eve sinned, they set the stage for sin to pass down to every one of us. No matter how good we tried to be, we could never attain the perfection that would be needed to enter Heaven. Our fate was eternal condemnation.

Only God was perfect; therefore, any means of perfection had to come from Him. There was and is nothing we could do to save ourselves. We needed a Savior, and that came in the form of Jesus, who is Perfection since He is God in the flesh.

When Jesus died on the cross, He took upon Himself the sins of the world. When we accept His sacrifice for us, and believe He is our Lord and Savior, then our sins our wiped clean. No longer are we condemned to death. We are made free because we have been forgiven, and we now have eternity as our reward.

So as you enjoy your Friday, thank God for it. But also thank Him that through Jesus you can be forgiven, too.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Mid-week Reflection

Sometimes we just need to take some time and sit with the Lord and hear what He has to say. We try to go and go and go like the Energizer Bunny, but the trouble is, we are not battery operated. We need renewal on a spiritual level, and that comes from the One who created us.

Make time in your schedule to be still with God. Dive into His Word and see what He has to tell you.

"Wait on the LORD;
Be of good courage,
And He shall strengthen your heart;
Wait, I say, on the LORD!"
Psalm 27:14 NKJV

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Days Gone By

Time is flying by. It feels like the kids got out of school just yesterday, yet, glancing at the calendar, it’s almost the middle of August! There are only a few weeks of summer left.

I can remember loving summer when I was a kid and not wanting it ever to end. I didn’t care for the chores I had to do, but I did love the freedom to do all sorts of things after my chores were done: read; watch TV; ride bikes; play with my sisters; or visit the neighbors—anything but do homework.

It’s sad that the kids of this generation don’t have the same imagination as my generation did growing up. Nowadays kids would rather sit and play video or computer games the whole summer than read a good book or create their own adventure. My boys in particular don’t enjoy reading. I couldn’t imagine getting through the summer without reading a dozen or more books.

I cannot get back those days of fun in the sun. But I can try to encourage my children to enjoy their youth while they still have time. One day they, too, will realize that life is fleeting. Hopefully they’ll be able to look back at their summers with fond memories.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

It isn't the Heat...

I do not like humid weather. I don’t like the stickiness or the oppressiveness of the air. I don’t like melting when trying to put on make-up, or having to take a few showers a day just to feel comfortable. Thankfully I don’t have to deal a lot with humid weather. Yes, we do get the occasional days here and there where I live, but at least I don’t have to live with it on a constant basis like some who are in the more tropical areas.

Unfortunately we can’t change the weather, no matter what comes up. We don’t have any say on getting a bright, sunny day, or have any influence when we want rain. We have to accept things as they come.

It’s the same with life. We have no control over the circumstances we are confronted with on a daily basis. The problem comes when we feel victimized by our situations; when we have the attitude, “Why me? I can’t get a break!”

If I believe God is God, then I have to believe He interacts in my life. As a Christian I have to realize that nothing I face, whether good or bad, can come to me unless God has allowed it. Once I accept that (and I should accept it with joy), then I must realize that God has His reasons for allowing things to happen. Instead of moaning, “Why me?” I need to ask, “What would you have me learn, Lord?”

It may be something simple as being a good neighbor. Or it may be far more involved as changing a character flaw. Or it could be learning to face a situation that someone later in life will be dealing with as well.

Don’t look at life as being stuck with bad weather. Ask God to help you learn from the “heat” and you may find a refreshing breeze through it all.

Monday, August 4, 2008


I can’t believe it. I can’t imagine paying fourteen million dollars just to buy the first publically released pictures of the baby twins of two famous movie stars. I don’t know what’s more foolish: the magazines paying for this “privilege;” or the people who will clamor to buy the magazines to see the photos. I wonder how many will want to save this issue as a collector’s item.

Our priorities in this world have gone crazy. We are consumed by image and popularity instead of character and quality. We get enticed by who’s who and what’s what. I can say this first hand because I’ve attended several of Hollywood’s elite award ceremonies in the past, and I’ve seen how absolutely frenzied some of the fans can get.

Movie stars are just regular people who have been glamorized by publicity agents and paparazzi. They are not extra special. They laugh and cry and eat and sleep just like you and me. The only difference is that more people notice what they do because of the image that has been created about them. Most of the time those images are fabrications, hardly resembling the real person.

What’s the real you? Are you exactly what people see, or have you created a false image about yourself? You may be able to fool those around you, but God sees your heart. He knows who you really are.

Looking to change your image? Ask God to enter into your life and change your heart so He can mold and shape you into the image you were created to be.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Weekend Reflection

"Those who are planted in the house of the LORD
shall flourish in the courts of our God.
They shall still bear fruit in old age;
They shall be fresh and flourishing,
To declare that the LORD is upright;
He is my rock, and there is no unrighteousness in Him."
Psalm 92:13-15 NKJ

Friday, August 1, 2008

The Front Porch

I miss the front porch from my middle grade years. It wasn’t a big porch: probably 5’ x 8’ with two steps leading down to the sidewalk. But it was big enough to sit on the top step, lean against the wooden post that supported the roof, enjoy the late afternoon breezes, and wave “Hi” to the neighbors who took late summer walks.

It was the perfect place to sit out a thunder storm, or to watch a rainbow in the sky. It offered enlightenment as I sat and composed my feeble attempts at poetry, and it gave me an alternative reading spot instead of my usual tree in the front yard.

The porch was where I could sit and wait for the mailman, listen for the ice cream truck, or wave for the Helm’s Bakery truck to stop so I could buy some delectable treats. It was a place to read letters or sip a cold glass of lemon-lime Kool Aid, or play jacks with my sister. Basically it was a place to relax, allow my imagination to stir, and to have fun.

I don’t have such a porch anymore. In fact I have more of a dull square by my front door. It’s very uncomfortable and leaves little room for the imagination. One day I hope to have an even bigger porch, perhaps with a nice porch swing. It would be a great place to sit and write.
But I don’t need a little square or rectangle to have fun or be inspired. God gave us abilities that are not limited by location. I can be creative and have fun anywhere and at anytime.

Are you limiting yourself because you don’t have the things that inspire you? Ask God to give you His inspiration.