Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Fast and Furious

A cold has hit me fast and furious. I was perfectly fine on Monday, but by midday on Tuesday, my throat was scratchy and I was developing chest congestion! Now I have a cough and my voice is just about gone.

We often take our health for granted. When we're feeling well, we tend to think of ourselves as unstoppable; our efforts unlimited. How fast our puffy attitudes deflate when we are sick! We wonder how we're ever going to accomplish all that needs to be done.

I try to make an extra effort to rest when I'm sick. It's difficult, especially when I still have kids to drop off and pick up from school. But if I don't take care of myself, then my family will suffer a lot more when it takes longer for me to heal.

I also try to use my "down" time as an opportunity to pray for others. Sometimes when we're busy running around getting all our "stuff" done, we don't pray as earnestly for those we know who are in need. When I'm trying to rest, I find it a perfect time to lift others up to the Lord.

Has life hit you fast and furious? Don't be bothered because of all the things you can't do. Make the most of your time by praying for others.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Intaking Toxins

My family and I went to a friend’s birthday party at a buffet-style restaurant. The food looked great and tasted delicious. I didn’t overindulge as one is apt to do at such an establishment; and I even ate only a very small dessert. Yet despite my precautions, I got sick to my stomach later that evening. Something I ate was not healthy, and my body inevitably rejected it.

I wondered if others got sick from the food that night. My husband and kids had no ill effects, so I concluded it was from one particular item that was toxic to my system (I’ve been noticing more of this as I get older).

I am reminded of our spiritual intake. We digest a lot through God’s Word, various sermons, magazine articles, TV programs, counseling, etc. There’s a lot of good stuff out there; but there is also a lot of junk. Sometimes the junk gets mixed up with the good, like taking a Biblical doctrine and adding a little word or phrase to make it more appealing. The results of the change may not be seen for awhile, but it can eventually tear down our walls of defense (i.e. our discernment), leaving us spiritually sick. We need to constantly check our spiritual health by measuring ourselves against God’s Word, which is the only True test for our spiritual well-being.

Fixing my upset stomach wasn’t too hard; my body did it for me. Fixing our spiritual problem needs God’s attention. We need to confess our error to the Lord (1 John 1:9), we need to pray for His wisdom (James 1:5), we need to test everything by God’s Word (1 John 4:1), and we need to give God glory and honor for all that He’s done and will do for us (Psalm 34:1). This will allow the Great Physician to take us down the road to recovery.

Monday, April 28, 2008


Last week was my week for mislabels. For dinner one night I wanted to make green chile chicken enchiladas. I grabbed a can of green chile enchilada sauce from my pantry and proceeded to open it up. The sauce inside was the red enchilada sauce, not the green. Good thing I had an extra can.

One day later I bought a new vinyl tablecloth. I removed the old tablecloth from the dining room table, threw it in the trash, and then opened up the new package. It turned out to be a cover for a patio table, which included a handy zipper so you could easily work around your patio umbrella. There was nothing on the label to indicate this at all. I returned the item to the store, but because I needed to pick up the kids from school, I didn't get a chance to look for a new one. I tried another store later, but they didn't have any vinyl covers at all. As of today, I still lack a tablecloth on my table.

With all the quality control our products are supposed to go through, incidents like these aren't meant to happen often. I'm sure the odds of them occuring twice in a row are enormous. There was no way I could tell the items weren't all that they promised to be. Each label was perfect. Nothing from the outside indicated that there was something wrong on the inside.

Sometimes we mislabel people. We assume by their polished exteriors that everything is fine on the inside. Sometimes that's because the person doesn't want to reveal his/her true self to everyone. Other times it's because we don't take the time to see what the inside is really like.

We can't force people to share their troubles with us; but we can ask the Lord to help us pray for the needs of that person, whatever those needs may be. He knows the insides we may never know. He can guide us in the right prayer and the right actions.

Mislabels will unfortunately happen. At least we can lift up people to the Lord so that He can deal with the real inside that we may never see.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Weekend Reflection

"For I am persuaded that neither death nor life,
nor angels nor principalities nor powers,
nor things present nor things to come,
nor height nor depth,
nor any other created thing,
shall be able to separate us
from the love of God
which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."

Romans 8:38-39 NKJV

Friday, April 25, 2008

Blame Game

I was waiting in line at Wal-mart the other day. The lady in front of me had a plastic serving platter that didn't have its UPC code, so the cashier was trying to get a price check. The lady was very impatient, commenting that she should have gone to the party store instead. She was obviously in a hurry and couldn't believe it was taking so long. At one point she said, "Jesus!" in her frustration.

The cashier had a great response. She said, "Don't blame Jesus. He didn't cause this. He only saved us!" Bravo for the cashier!! I have never heard anyone give such a terrific and spontaneous answer.

Many people play the blame game. They throw out Jesus' name like He's someone common and not Holy. They blame Him for life's craziness and circumstances instead of seeing that God had nothing to do with their problem. He can be their solution if they'd only let Him.

But why use the name Jesus? Why not Buddha or Mother Nature or any of the other false gods of the world? Why does it always have to be Jesus? Because the devil is crafty. He wants to make unholy what is Holy. He wants to undermine God so people won't believe the truth.

Don't play the blame game. Instead, ask God to show you the truth. Jeremiah 29:13 says, "And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart." God is waiting to reveal Himself directly to you!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

How Well Do You Pray?

How well do you pray? I don’t mean how well you orate in front of others when saying grace or praying with someone. I’m talking about the attitude of your heart when you are one on one with the Lord.

Are you pious in your prayers like the Pharisee in Luke 18 who boasted about how good he was? Admit it; we’ve all thought ourselves better than someone. Or are you humble in your approach like the tax collector who in the same chapter of Luke would not even lift his eyes out of shame for his deeds?

The ideal is to be more like the tax collector who knows he does not deserve the grace and mercy he has been given. It is so easy to get caught up in living and succeeding. We then forget that the purpose of our prayers is to be intimate with God.

How is your attitude when you are asked to pray for others? Do you feel it is a chore, or a welcomed opportunity to bless someone? I try to take each prayer request very seriously because I know that it takes a lot to ask someone to pray for me. It probably is not very easy for that person asking for prayer, either.

Prayer is vital in our lives. We are talking to our Lord, our God, and our Friend. We can share our most delicate situations and our most heart-wrenching experiences with Him because He knows all, and He wants us to turn to Him for comfort and support.

Since we cannot hide anything from God, we need to stop pretending when our heart is not right for prayer. Tell Him you do not want to be disrespectful in your attitude towards Him in that most intimate time. Then ask the Lord to change you. Ask Him to allow you to admit the things you know He wants you to share. Ask Him to allow you to be more sensitive and more serious about interceding for others.

With God’s help and with an open heart and mind, we can all do well when we pray.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


My daughters and I canned seven pints of dill pickles yesterday. I had finally found some decent looking pickling cucumbers, and since my eldest daughter needed to complete her canning badge for her girls' club, I decided this was a perfect opportunity to show her the process.

We started a day ahead by placing sliced cucumbers into salted water. Twenty-four hours later, I prepared the jars, lids and seals while putting a large stock pot of water to boil. The girls removed the skins from the twelve garlic cloves we needed, measured out the vinegar and water and pickling spices, and set that to boil. Taking the sterile jars, they added a sprig of dill and a small chili pepper to each one. When the water in the stock pot started to boil, we started packing the jars with the now drained cucumbers. Then I poured the boiling pickling juice into the jars, while the girls put on the seals and lids.

The seven filled jars were then placed into the hot water bath for ten minutes. When the timer went off, I removed the jars and placed them on a towel to cool. As each jar cooled a POP! was heard, telling us that the jar was now sealed.

Six jars sealed easily. The seventh jar took quite a bit of time. I told the girls that we needed to hear that POP! in order to insure that the pickles would be preserved. If the seal didn't work, we would need to refrigerate that jar because it would eventually spoil otherwise. Despite all the work we did, it was the POP! that sealed the process.

What a great illustration of our relationship with God. We may think we are doing all the work to get us to heaven, but it isn't our work that gets us there. It is God who does the sealing. When we accept Him as our Lord and Savior, our lives automatically receive His stamp of approval.

Has your life been sealed by God? Stop working so hard on your own. Ask God into your heart and receive His perfect seal.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Free Gifts

The other day a relative offered my husband a brand new mattress that, due to unexpected circumstances, he wouldn't be able to use. My husband was very ecstatic because our current mattress definitely needed replacing. However, when the mattress was delivered to our home, it had an overwhelming smell of cigarettes. The relative wasn't a smoker, but the people he had been staying with were, so hence the powerful odor.

Undaunted, we kept the mattress outside to air. We also purchased a bottle of odor neutralizer and diligently covered it with spray. The next day, with the smell greatly diminished, we removed our old mattress and put down the new one. We even purchased new sheets to celebrate our free gift.

But when we went to bed that night, I detected the unmistakable odor once again. By the next morning, not only did the bed smell, but also our hair, clothes, sheets, blankets and comforter. This would never do. The new mattress has since been removed, our old mattress is back in its position, and we will from now on, be more careful about the gifts we accept.

Free gifts aren't always what we expect them to be. Some come with strings attached. Others come with disappointing outcomes.

There is one gift, though, that is free to the taker. There are no strings attached; no phony outcomes. That gift is the free gift of eternal life for all those who accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. He can take you, full of the stench of this world, and make you fresh and clean as if you were brand new. He does this because He created us and He loves us.

Tired of free gifts failing you? Turn to Jesus. His gift will never fail, will always keep its value, and is totally free. What more could you want?

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Weekend Reflection

"My soul, wait silently for God alone,
For my expectation is from Him.
He only is my rock and my salvation;
He is my defense;
I shall not be moved."
Psalm 62:5-6

Friday, April 18, 2008

Weather Watch

I like keeping an eye on the weather. There are two weather widgets on my computer desktop giving me the current temperature and the weekly expected highs and lows. In the evenings, if I get a chance, I watch one of the local TV news stations to get a glimpse of the next day's forecast. In the mornings I take a peek outside to figure out what is best to wear.

Although the meteorologists have up-to-date information with the help of computers and satellites, they cannot accurately forecast the weather. While I was enjoying low 80 degree temps yesterday, my relatives in Santa Fe were having snow! Weather changes constantly. Conditions vary sometimes by the minute, often with surprising outcomes. No one, even with the best equipment, can keep up with the changes at all times.

Nothing surprises God. He knows exactly what the temperatures will be. He knows when the storms are coming or when we'll experience the lulls before the next deluge. So why do we have a hard time trusting Him? Why, despite sometimes a very unstable track record, are we more likely to believe a weathercaster instead of God?

God never fails. He is always on time, always right, and always available. His Words are truth, and His message of love gives us eternal life.

Are you looking for some stability; something that you can count on? Don't trust the weather. Trust God. He is one hundred percent accurate all the time!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

The Missing Link

Despite all the evidence to the contrary, people are still trying to find the missing link that will solve the age old question about the origins of man. This post will not debate any geological, archaelogical, or physical evidence. In fact, I don't even need to discuss any theories. I am only going to discuss pure fact: I have the missing link.

How can that be if the top paleontologists haven't found anything? The solution is simple. Jesus is the missing link. No, there is no blasphemous talk here. Jesus is my Lord and Savior and I am not showing any disrespect.

I say He is the missing link because He fills in the gaps of my life. Any emptiness, any misdirection, any sadness can only be filled, redirected, and made joyful through Jesus.

Sometimes life feels like it's missing a few pieces of the puzzle. Jesus fills in those gaps. He makes the incomplete complete; the broken, whole. He gives strength to the weak, and wisdom to those who lack.

Don't be fooled by those claiming we still need to find that Missing Link. Jesus is your answer. He is everything you need. All you have to do is invite Him into your heart.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


I am inundated with piles of laundry. If I had a laundry room, this would not be a major problem because no one would ever see the clothes. But in my little house, my laundry area is in my kitchen, so I can't help but stumble over the clothes. Why don't I just do a couple of loads to solve the problem? My dryer is being worked on.

For the last few months the dryer drum has been squeaking a bit at the start of the drying process. Those squeaks turned into major screeches over the weekend, with the sounds not going away even after a few minutes. My husband had been promising to look at it, but hadn't made the time. With all the high pitched sounds going on, he didn't have much choice.

We hope the problem is in the glides, the felt part that the drum sits on at the top of the door. We had a problem with squeaking before, and that fixed it then, so we are assuming this is the case. We'll find out after the glue dries.

Squeaks, squeals and screeches are obvious signs of trouble. If we had failed to address the problem, the damage could have been costly and perhaps unrepairable.

Sometimes we have difficulties in our spiritual life. Perhaps we have traveled a bit off the road God wants us walking on, and we develop habits that are not healthy. The Holy Spirit calls out to us, but we fail or refuse to listen. Our soul recognizes there is a problem that only the healing powers of Jesus can mend. Our life becomes "squeaky," not in the terms of noise, but because deep down we know we aren't living the right way.

Jesus is the most perfect repair man. He can take a squeaky, broken down individual and bring him/her back to working order in no time. He can give hope and renewal, and He can bring peace.

Do you have some warning noises in your life that need fixing? Call on Jesus. He's available 24/7.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Where There is No Vision...

Last week I went with my mother, sister, and grandmother to see the Mission Inn in Riverside, California. It was originally a family boarding home, but because of the dream of one son, the home was developed over time into a beautiful and elaborate hotel.

Since we took the tour, we were able to see some of the locations not available to the casual tourist. We were able to walk into the courtyards, see the hotel chapel with its beautiful Tiffany glass windows, and admire three different styles of architecture. We learned little bits of hotel trivia, and were told pieces of American history that failed to make it into our California history books.

The most significant part of the tour I enjoyed was walking out onto the walkway that connected the three buildings and seeing a Scripture painted on the wall below the clock tower. The owner/creator of the hotel, Frank Miller, had his favorite verse inscribed: "Where there is no vision, the people perish" (Proverbs 29:18a).

The man certainly had vision. Did he have everything figured out in his head from the beginning? Probably not, but his desire to build something up from what he had was there. I have to admire a man who goes after his dreams.

What is it that you have been wanting to pursue? What is your dream? It will never become a reality unless you take the idea from your head and act upon it, even if it's only one step at a time.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Be Still

I've been running hard all weekend. Family members are visiting from out of town, so I had different events going on that took up much of my time. I was going from here to there and back again. Now I'm beat. In fact, sitting in front of my computer right now, my mind feels like a blank wordprocessing screen with the cursor blinking on and off as it waits for me to start typing.

Let it blink.

I need to be still. I need to sit and meditate on the Lord because, although I have not forgotten to pray or read my Bible, I feel I am lacking that quiet time with Him. I need the renewal that only comes with taking time to worship and to pray and seek His face.

So if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go be still for awhile. If you are worn out, you might want to do the same.

"But those who wait on the LORD

Shall renew their strength;

They shall mount up with wings like eagles,

They shall run and not be weary,

They shall walk and not faint."

Isaiah 40:31

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Weekend Reflection

"Trust in the LORD with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He shall direct your paths."
Proverbs 3:5-6

Friday, April 11, 2008

How Well Do You Listen?

Are you a good listener? Do you always hear what people are trying to tell you, or do you miss just about every other word so you don't get the complete message?

We all have problems listening. Sometimes it's intentional; oftentimes it's because we're distracted. A few times it's because we didn't know someone was speaking to us.

Not listening causes frustration, mixed messages, and misdirection. We end up not following through because the information didn't get connected to our brains.

God often calls to us, but we do not hear. He speaks to our hearts through His Word, but if we're too busy to stop and listen, we fail to receive the message He has for us. Vital information on how to properly live our lives gets muddled, and we hear what we want to hear, not what we need to hear.

What are you doing to try to hear God better? Open His Word, concentrate on His message, and wait for Him to speak.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Giving God Our Best

Are we doing our best for the Lord, or for others? Are we giving Him one hundred percent or are we just giving Him enough to get the job done? Does it matter?

It should. If we claim God to be our Lord and Savior, then we must extend to Him full allegiance. We are His soldiers, and any soldier is expected to pledge his life and loyalty to the one he serves.

We bend over backwards to do things for family and friends. We’ll work hours on projects for work or for school; but how much of an effort do we make for God? We do get brief spurts of enthusiasm where we give our best to Him, but that is not always the case.

God looks at our hearts. He sees the true motives behind the things we do for Him and in His name. When our hearts are not right in our efforts for Him, then we are in sin.

But God is an enabler. He can take the most fickle heart and mold it and change it into a willing and able servant. Ask Him for forgiveness for not giving Him the place in your life He deserves. Ask Him to help you do your best for Him. All He is waiting for is for someone to say, “Here I am, Lord. Use me.”

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Walking the Red Carpet

In 1985, while still in film school, I had the privilege of attending the Academy Awards at the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion. My boss at the time was an Associate Member of the Academy. He offered me his extra ticket to sit with him and his friends if I could get myself to and from the Pavilion.

What an opportunity! A friend of mine loaned me her beautiful beaded dress and her black mink coat. She also treated me to a limo ride. My mom and sister helped with my hair and makeup. I was excited as I drove the twenty-odd miles to downtown Los Angeles.

Then came the exiting of the limo. I was very nervous. What would people do? As the ushers opened the door, I stepped out and onto the red carpet. As I walked towards the entrance, I noticed the paparazzi with their cameras flashing and the reporters interviewing the stars. Crowds were gathered, either sitting in bleachers or standing on the other side of metal rails. The noise was incredible. I kept moving forward.

I passed several stars as they were being interviewed. It was busy, but not too crazy since it was still early. People noticed me, but since I wasn't a "star" I was quickly glanced over. I was relieved when I finally entered the building.

When the show was over, many people lingered indoors. I said my goodbyes and gave my thanks to my boss, then headed outside to find my limo driver. I was on the red carpet again. This time there were no flashing lights and no interviewers. There were only a few die hard fans. As I walked in the cool evening with the black mink coat wrapped tightly around me, I had one group call out, "Can I have your autograph?" I smiled, shook my head, and continued walking.

It's funny how others see you. Walking in, with all the glitz and glamour, I was a nobody. My face had never graced the big screen or magazine covers. No one paid any attention to me. But coming out, when no one else was around, people noticed because of the fancy clothes I was wearing and the red carpet I was walking on. I had not changed. I was still basically a nobody, but those people thought I was somebody, even though their perceptions were wrong.

I'm glad I don't have to impress God with fancy clothes, expensive jewelry, and red carpets. He sees right through all the facades. Since He made me, He can see straight into my heart and soul. But because of Jesus I am treated like royalty. I am the daughter of the King of Kings, heir to all His promises.

I don't look at the Academy Awards quite the same way as I did those many years ago. In fact movie stars don't even impress me like they used to. I have a different focus in my life: Jesus. And I don't even have to walk the red carpet for Him to look at me and take notice.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

His Word Does Not Come Back Void

Some time ago a woman I know experienced the death of her husband. When Christmas came around, I wasn't sure what to give her for a present. I prayed about it and then sent her a box of little Scripture cards for daily reading. I knew that the only One who could touch her heart with the love she needed was God.

The other day I saw the woman. She started to thank me for my gift and then began to cry. Those little cards were such a source of strength for her. They moved in her heart and allowed her to see God's promises more vividly than she ever had before. Her Bible reading began to impact her life, showing her how amazing God truly was and how much He cared for her. God met her in a very real and personal way.

Afterward I thanked the Lord for using me in this situation. I could have done nothing or I could have sent her something safe. Instead I knew she needed God's Word which was the only way she would ever have the true peace she was so desperately wanting.

Are you listening to what God is calling you to do for others? Are you reaching out with His Word to give comfort and hope? God promises His Word will not return void. Pray to see how God wants to use you in someone's life.

Monday, April 7, 2008

In Retrospect

Sometimes it's good to look back. I pulled out an old journal and started reading through the pages. It brought back many memories, both good and bad. The great thing was that it was so evident that God was in the midst of everything that had happened to me.

I was able to recall the growth I experienced from the trials I had gone through. There had been pain in some of those trials. It was good to remember that God had carried me through every single one of them.

I read through Scripture passages the Lord had given me with their promises of hope and renewal and strength, reminding me that God's Word is always relevant. I reread some verses that have yet to come to pass, encouraging me to look forward to what God has planned for me.

Looking behind is good when we know it's just a glance. What has God brought your through? Thank Him for His faithfulness and love.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Weekend Reflection

"If you are filled with light, with no dark corners,
then your whole life will be radiant,
as though a floodlight is shining on you."
Luke 11:36 NLT

Friday, April 4, 2008


I scrubbed on Thursday. No, I didn't clean the kitchen floor or the tub, although they probably could use a little elbow grease here and there. I scrubbed petitions.

What is scrubbing petitions? It's checking to make sure that everything on the petition is filled out correctly. If someone didn't sign his name or didn't write out her address or zip code, then that entry is invalidated or scrubbed.

I didn't even know that if you fill out the address for your husband, even though he signs the petition, that entry has to be invalidated. Everyone who signs must fill out his or her own information. I scrubbed over 20 such entries. I know some of the other volunteers were crossing out many more names, too.

There is no school for petition signing. We don't have a DVD available (as least that I know of) on how to correctly fill those papers out. There are instructions on the sheet, but obviously people aren't reading them. It's too bad, too, because if there is even the slightest thing that looks suspicious or out of order, then that entry is crossed off the accepted list. No wonder petitioners always try to get an abundant amount over the needed signatures. They try to leave room for the inevitable errors.

God's rules are even stricter. If we fail in one point of His law, we have violated the whole law. Our sins, even if they're little in the eyes of the world, scrub us out of Heaven. Our God is a Holy God. He cannot look at sin.

So is there no help at all? For the petitions, no. That entry is totally lost. But for a person, there is Jesus. He, being Holy, paid the price for all our sins on the cross almost 2000 years ago. When we accept Him as our Lord and Savior, our names are written in the Book of Life. We become Holy in God's eyes because our Advocate, Jesus, makes us Holy.

Of course, that doesn't mean we go on sinning. With God's help we are to turn away from our sins. We are to become more like Christ each and every day.

Are you on the scrubbed list? Let Jesus put you on His permanent life list.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Signed, Sealed, and On Its Way

I did it. I signed my first book contract and now it's making its way to my publisher. Oooh! I can say "my" publisher now! This has been an amazing journey and, technically, it's really just beginning! The book still has to be published. But the fact that it is in the process is truly amazing. When I accepted the Lord's call to write a few years ago, I never dreamed I'd be signing a book contract this soon. God is so awesome!

How will I celebrate? I don't have any definite plans, but I know I owe it all to God. He gave me the talents and skills early on, even though I didn't recognize them until much later. He stirred my heart to show me writing was a key way I was to serve Him. He has brought friends and mentors and open doors to allow me to travel this road.

One of my favorite verses in the Bible is found in 1 Chronicles 17:16: "Then King David went in and sat before the LORD; and he said: 'Who am I, O LORD God? And what is my house, that You have brought me this far?'"

To God be the Glory!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Primary Colors

Back in my grammar school days, I loved having all my new supplies for the first day of school: Pee Chee folders, pencils and pencil bags, rulers, and a new metal lunch pail (am I dating myself or what?). I especially liked having my new box of 64 Crayola Crayons.

It was exciting to open that brand new box with its sharpener right inside. Each crayon was carefully wrapped with its corresponding color. Each had perfect points because they had never been used.

I guess I liked all the beautiful blend of colors. They also had cool names: Carnation Pink, Olive Green, Turquoise Blue, Raw Umber, Thistle and Mulberry. Sixty-four was sure a long way from the standard eight pack. You could make all sorts of wonderful creations with such a box.

I don't know how old I was when I learned that all colors came from blending the Primary Colors. My mother had taught us about art at an early age having studied commercial art before she was married. I remember her mixing pastels to create subtle and bold color schemes to enhance depth and shadow and light. It was amazing what a few sticks of color could produce.

Just like Primary Colors, our faith is our foundation or our starting point. With the Lord's guidance, we can blend faith with a little hope and a little love to make something beautiful that reflects our Heavenly Father to the world around us. What will you create with the Lord? I'm sure He has more combinations in mind for you than a box of 64 crayons!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Failure to Stop

I live near a very busy corner. The east-to-west lanes have no stop sign, but the north-to-south lanes do. On several occasions the north/south bound drivers have failed to stop, and an accident or a very close near miss will occur.

Last night as the kids were getting ready for bed, we heard the screech of tires and the inevitable BANG of two cars colliding. My heart always pounds when I hear that. I ran to our window to survey the crash and then called 911 while my husband and other neighbors ran outside. Thankfully no one was seriously hurt, but the cars did suffer major damage. In fact, the impact was so great that one truck was spun almost 180 degrees!

Neighbors have tried to get the city to put another stop sign on the east/west bound lanes, but to no avail. As long as people don't pay attention to their driving and fail to stop, or assume that the other drivers have their own stop sign, this corner will continue to be dangerous.

Have you ever thought that our own actions can lead to danger? Maybe you like to gossip or tell little white lies. Maybe you've abused your prescription medication once or twice. If we fail to stop these seemingly insignificant actions, we can end up with a collision that affects not only us, but those around us. That gossiping can lead to estrangement amongst friends. Those little white lies to your spouse can lead to a lack of trust. That abuse of your meds can lead to addiction.

Stop signs are meant to keep us safe. Is God showing you something that needs to be stopped in your life? Take heed. Your failure to stop could lead to serious injury.